Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Cupcake Experiment

** Apologies for the blurry pics - took using my mobile **

Okies - a more recent entry, this activity was somewhere last month * =P * hahaha *

With my long absence from the world of baking, a sudden crazy spark of interest for me to try a hand at cupcake decorating. YUP, you heard me right.

I baked plenty of cupcakes, but those basic ones in which I do not prepare the toppings / decorations. Feeling itchy hand, I gave it a go and decided that I shall not make anymore attempt unless I have someone to help me wash the utensils! YES, I totally HATE washing numerous oily tools used in this process - oh well, I HATE to wash dishes anyway(unlike Cindy *=P*), so this just drives me insane.

Anyway, this was a good recipe - one I will surely use again by am staying away from the fancy frosting decorations unless;

  1. I have someone to wash the tools for me afterward
  2. I am totally in such a hardworking mood
  3. I have a promise to fulfill
  4. I need to impress / make my significant partner happy
* muahahaha * Heys - if I truly Love You, I will do all it takes to draw a smile on your face- well, within my boundaries of course *=P *

Fresh out from the oven. I simply lurve the vanilla smell!

My creations - not too bad for my 1st attempt * =P * And many many thanks to Pammie who kindly accepted to eat the failed, ugly ones * heehee * and also to those who are "forced" to help me finish eating them * wink wink *

Note : Yes, I enjoy cooking & baking but don't eat much after that. Suka buat jer * muahahaha *

Upclose to see my mistakes...

So who else would like to offer me their stomachs to help me eat my experiments? * wink wink*

1 comment:

WL said...

Wow, great job~!!