Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My favorite cream mask

** Product Junkie high on her fix! I seem to be buying and hoarding so much product, that I should start using! LOL! As per WL's request, I shall do some review on them for info sharing. Please note that these are all my personal opinion and also subject to compatability with my babi skin * heehee * Enjoy! **

One beauty product I cannot resist besides yummy smelling lotions and creams is - masks.

Cream, sheet, gel, overnight, - you name it, I have it. I dont like those peel-off-when dry type though.

Of all the lot, the one I heart most is this;

I simply lurveeeeeee it!

I fell in love with it upon one application. All it takes is just 10-15 mins, and wipe it off. You will reveal yourself to very visible moisterised skin - not only for the next 2 hours - but up till the end of the next day! My skin display an instant glow and visible hydrated cells.

This is my first experience with a mask which gives long lasting effect and not those immediate but vapors off quick.

What makes it more a darling is the nice smell it leaves...

It is a lil pricey - but goes a long way in terms of the multiple use and the long lasting effect. This is one product I will continue to use and would recommend one to try it if you are seeking for optimum hydration for your skin.

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