I know this may sound sudden, but our Fat Luck passed away exactly a week ago. Yes, this is real.
He was found suddenly convulsing, shivering and vomitting. Upon admitting to the vet, it was found that his blood results skyrocketing toxins - obvious that he was poisoned.
He struggled for 4 days, but sadly his kidney and half of a lung failed. We have to put him to sleep to stop the agony, in which he will not survive the path to recovery.
Whoever who poison him - may him end up with the same pain to know what pain was inflicted to Lucky.
All this happen when I was in HongKong, and sorry Lucky, for not being able to be there when you were in pain.
Sorry Lucky, for being away for training and not able to bid you farewell. May you found greater happiness and ease now...
We do all love you very much, will always be our Fatty Luck...
He struggled for 4 days, but sadly his kidney and half of a lung failed. We have to put him to sleep to stop the agony, in which he will not survive the path to recovery.
Whoever who poison him - may him end up with the same pain to know what pain was inflicted to Lucky.
All this happen when I was in HongKong, and sorry Lucky, for not being able to be there when you were in pain.
Sorry Lucky, for being away for training and not able to bid you farewell. May you found greater happiness and ease now...
We do all love you very much, will always be our Fatty Luck...