In the midst of coughing and burning throat surrounded by piles of tissue paper, I manage to complete reading this book.
I have to admit that it had been really quite sometime I read a religious book - well, I hardly have the time and energy to read any book * guilty * However, a bout of coincidences aligned.
A Hindu colleague of mine is currently observing vegetarian month. Accompanied her to the temple near KLCC for a vege lunch. Coincidentally, that day was Guan Yin day, hence I stepped into the temple to pay homage. A quick scan at the books corner, this book caught my eye.
This book talks about abortion and the buddhism view about it. It is really scary to reflect how abortion has become a norm in this modern society, without us realising the amount of negative energy it released. Sex seems to be the only constant in this society, where it ruled most things in live, second to money.
It is really a good angle of perspective on the reflection of the act of abortion. Had never realised that an act of support given to a friend in need could be promoting unforeseen huge amount of bad causes. At times you may think you are helping, but in fact, are you really?
Again, something worth reflecting upon.
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