I shall dedicate this entry in loving memory of my beloved Iro Chen...
Iro left us on a sunny, Saturday afternoon of 4th March 2006 after spending a decade in our home.
He was my best-best-best-bestest friend, my first love.
He was the cuddly toy when we are bored.
He was the reason to smile after a hard day.
He was the companion who sits through the night to accompany me.
He dried my tears when i broke down.
He loves me too.
How I miss the times I spent walking around the neighbourhood with Iro in the evenings. How Iro always eager for a taste for mangoes. How Iro will put on his cute face to 'extort' food from us. How eager he is when he sees us pick up his comb. How eager he is to bathe despite hating being wet. How wonderful he smells of the shampoo. How he gets angry. How... How... How... There is just too many memories that are guaranteed to haunt me always.
It thoroughly devastated me to know that he can no longer walk the journey of life with me but it soothes me to know that he has now ended his long sufferrings. May you be free from all kinds of sufferrings and I shall dedicate my merits to you.
You shall always be the one I remember always - no pet can replace your position in my heart.
You know I will always miss and loves you lots.
Goodbye, my yaya-dog...
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