I lurve to visit pasar malams. Being a glutton, it's a fantastic place to be with the variety of food there has to offer * heehee *
So naturally, I will ask to visit the Local pasar malam geh. And since its one place to buy the famous local "Sarawak kek lapis", what else can stop me rite? * =P * Btw, I did not get to taste the cake, cos it turned stale by the time I reach KL. Their Pasar malam is also known as pasar minggu as it occurs every Friday and Saturday night.
Its not a very big pasar malam, half of the size is the food section.

The Sarawak Kek Lapis - it is very colourful.
What frazzled me is the intricate designs they are made of... Enough with the complexity of layering with colours, check out the designs...
Saw this signage that I must share...

Looks like this is a skill that can go international as well... * =P *
Saw these interesting sights as well;
Like how they susun itu pisang cantik-cantik... * hehehe *
And they sell corns with the stem tied together! Had never seen corn being sold this way until now.
One odd trait I notice is that they do like to sell their stuff without a theme. Like a shoe shop sells shoes and maybe shoes related stuff rite?
Here - accessories stall selling VEGETABLES too.... * blink blink *
And plant seller selling live chickens along with the plants....
And I M-U-S-T blog the following for SP.
SP - hold your breath - you will be treated to the scene you have been craving for....
Welcome SP, the Ikan Bakar stalls area * chuckles evil glee *

The locals there seem to lurve ikan bakar too. They have stalls after stalls selling ikan bakar. And the stall is FILLED with ikan bakar! Not those a few ekor on the grill we see here, but the dozens on the grill!!!!!!
Racks after racks of ikan bakar Darling.... And they either bakar fishes marinated in some chili sauce or plain grilled then topped with special chilli. And they offer ALL KINDs of fishes.
My piece of grilled ikan pari - very fresh, cost me slightly less than rm10 and its HUGE. Would have easily rm15 - rm20 in KL. Sedap! It was so huge, I couldnt finish it on my own!
Another favourite there - kepak ayam bakar - tak sedap ler... but cheap - rm1.20 (or was it rm1?) each. Never get that price in KL...
And cucur udang - this is very good! But it look not so appealing cos the pasar malam vendors there like to use black coloured plastic bags - like beg sampah rite...
Good experience - will make it a point to visit and experience various pasar malam at different locations for their local flavor from now onwards...