Mana boleh miss the Olympics stadium when I am in Beijing * =P *
It being our 1st place of visit right ofter touchdown, braving the cold we went over to have a look at the olympics site. The area is huge and of course, impressive architectures.

The National Aquatics - cute how they designed the wall to look like bubbles... One have to pay an entrance fee top get in - in which we did not.

The infamous bird nest. It is seriously impressive, and yes, kena bayar kalau nak masuk tengok - in which we did not again * =P * and it needs a long walk from the car park, and we were running agaist time, hence the forgo

I was fascinated with this police car on duty. The funny thing is, the police thought I wanted to take pic of the car and they actually CAME OUT FROM THE CAR * LOL * I was trying to tell them that I want a pic of them IN THE CAR, but was too afraid they will behead me so I just leave it * =P *

Cute street lamps...

Rows and rows after rows of portable toilets - we were told that there were more of these during the games...

Hotel to accomodate for the olympics. Such cool building, which apparently is now empty after the olympics...
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