I finally made it! I get to see a real, live panda! * muahahaha! *
Was telling my colleagues, that I dont want to leave China until I see a real panda, and CM kindly accompanied me to Beijing zoo on a Saturday morning * thanks CM! *
We had a hell of a time travelling via the subway, as it was SUPER crowded. We naively believed that we can get to the zoo via the subway, mana tau the line to beijing zoo was STILL IN CONSTRUCTION! * pengsan * Anyway, it was a good mistake too, as we get to see more things along the journey. We ended up taking the subway to the nearest possible station from the zoo and took a pedicab. Not too bad actually as it was just a 5mins pedicab journey hence we took a walk back to the station after the zoo, in which we get to look, eat and buy some local stuff - as in REALLY local as the area is considered like suburban area.

The queue to buy admission tickets to the zoo was chaotic as there are no proper queue lines. Admission fee was cheap, but the catch is that for every animal kingdom you wanna go, you have to buy an additional ticket. For example, to see panda, you have to buy additional panda park ticket, to see tigers, a different ticket, etc...

The Zoo is a beautiful place, spacious and very clean. Luscious with trees and very Chinese parks oriented - theme.

The chaotic queues to buy admission tickets
As we did not have much time, hence we only went to Panda park and some nearby parks. The zoo is huge actually.

The outdoor Panda area. The pandas are out sunning and of course, munching away...
Lazy panda... cute!
There's an exhibition centre open for the olympics, dedicated to pandas. Here have more info about the pandas as well as them as an icon for the event representing China.
I like this section, where they have heavy sacks indicationg the weight of panda at various stages of age. You can try lift one up to feel for yourself how heavy a panda weighs - if you can lift it up at all * =P *

This sexy back belongs to a panda in the indoor captivity - the older one before the new one built for the olympics. This cutie - like others - were snoozing and were leaning against the glass wall.

Panda gift shop!!! Panda-mania! Not expensive too...

This way to Pandas!
How can I not wear my Panda hat to visit my fellow pandas? * heehee *
Am very happy with my Panda meeting, the only disappointment is that their fur wasnt as white as I imagined them to be - hey, bathe them more! * =P *
And leave the zoo with a Pandie! * wink wink *
Hehe like your panda hat!! so cute...
so fun.. wish i can c the panda and get a panda hat too!! haha
so jeles...
din know u mau, would have bot for you if i knew - u berani pakai anot? =P
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