Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fun at the Bakers' Supply Shop

It had been ages since I last baked anything. Seriously.

Not that I dropped that hobby - though I wish to defend that I am still very much passionate with baking! - but I am for sure know that I have been lazy, very lazy.

I guess working adults face this dilemma - unless you are a working wife and mother which drives you to squeeze every second out of every minute, or you are a hyperactive person who has high energy 24/7.

So what triggers me to run a trip all the way to my fav Bakers' Supply Shop in Glenmarie? An addidtive Iphone application * haha! * Was playing Bakery Story and it sort of make me want to bake real time too other than virtually.

I spent a whooping one hour and a half there - choosing my stuff with the other half of the time ogling at the nice-to-haves. If only I have a rich hubby who can afford to indulge me with my hobbies and not needing me to report to anyone other than him * =P *

A reminder to all : Please do not get carried away when you are in there! The price tags look harmless, of a Rm5 here and a Rm 6 there. The check-put bill is what will harm your wallet.

Nonetheless, I enjoyed myself, and vow to bake over this long weekend. With CNY about a month away, good to jump start my "baking engine" and hopefully am able to produce some edible cookies for my dearies as a token of appreciation * =) *

1 comment:

pam said...

next time bring me along
im obsess with baking now!!