On one of my grocery shopping trips, I came across this very cute item on the pets' corner that I MUST take its pic and post it here. Being a hamster fan who are banned from keeping them as pets, I still occasionally browse the hamsters' section - just to look at the cute pics and stuff.
Somehow, this is one item which caught my eye and I was * and still am * so impressed...

Looks like an ordinary pack of hamster food or some thing rite? Upon closer examination.....

Hamster Bathing Sand!!! * LOL * Sooooo CUTE, hor!!! Well, being so small in size, it is rather difficult to bathe the hammies and i assure you, no matter how often you clean their cages and change the beddings, they still reek from one kind of smell. Them being fidgetty when you place them in your hands made the task of bathing them much more challenging. Unlike dogs, you can strap them to the pipe and hold the whipping cane on one hand to deter them from escaping while you bathe them ( my fatty luck sangat takut mandi, dunno why, till ui hafta resort to this "technique" * :P * Unlike scary Fat Luck, Iro likes to bathe, at at times, especially on hot days, will go by himself to sit at the pipe to demand you to give him a bath... My unique, clever, clean Iro... ).
I do think hammies owners should try this bathing sand and let me know how and IF it works * :P * Its really a wonder how creativity, innovation and technology caters to different needs of the human.
Definitely a cute discovery which brought smiles and fuzzy feelings to my lazy afternoon...
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