Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Fire Challenge

Fire Challenge is the latest show which caught my attention on tv. A Taiwanese reality show ( or so they call it ) which got my attention. I stay up every weekday at 12am to watch this show. Oh yeah.

This programme is about solving people's problems. Every episode, they will have a couple who has a row and unable to solve their dilemma to present and they serve as the intermediary to help them solve their problems. The show is complete with a panel of juries to help understand and aid their decision making as well as invitation of third, fourth, ALL parties who are involved in that particular problem to come to the show to help clarify any claims.

Its a Chinese custom to not air our dirty laundry in public, and this show not only enable people to air their dirty laundry, but also to bring shame to the whole family too. They even fight during the show - fist fight and slapping one another-leh! Of course, I do not know if it is really a true story or just a media gimmick, but damn! they are damn good!

And at times, i seriously kenot believe how some people can have such complicated problems - even more climatic than TV dramas leh! That show has wave after wave of surprise pile up for the audience! especially when they invite the 3rd/4th parties into the argument and new facts are being discovered or that someone had been caught lying in the face! By the end of the show, they will come up with a conclusion, for them to decide on the choice on how to end the problem and this decision would be final and the solving for their dilemma. Full of drama!

Got one episode, they are analyzing this problem between this married couple, whose husband didnt want to divorce her, mainly cos he owe people a lot of money and expects the very pregnant wife to clear the debts for him. He wants her to pay it off and if she insist wanting to divorce, she will have to pay off the debt for him first before he will agree to sign the papers. WTF? What added to the insult is that he had not been a good hubby, with him having affairs with other women, not working and ill treating his wife. They brought in the woman he was having affairs with and it turned out to be the wife's best friend! And they openly argued and fight to have the very useless hubby. The climax of the show came when they bring in the 4th party, a man who claim to be the father of the child the wife was carrying! * pengsan * muntah darah * WTF? Apparently, the wife also got affair with another jantan, and again, the men fights with one another.

Another episode, was an argument between this lesbian couple, where one doesnt want to break up with the other. The show started with one of them, the one who wanted to break up, accusing her partner for sleeping with a man. The twist of the story was when the accused then throws the ball back by announcing that the accuser influenced and got together with her younger sister. The younger sister was brought in and confessed that she indeed was seeing her sister's girlfriend. The climax came when the father of the girls stormed in, slapped them, and drageed the younger sis, who was below 18 years old, away from the show. If you must know, the lesbian couple broke up in the end.

There are many many more dramatic stories from this show. I memang addicted to this show liao * heehee * Memang dramatic tak terhingga! One will never know what is the next twist! What amazes me is how some people can got the courage to bring their problems to be solve on TV! And the show is being aired throughout the world leh! Everyone, EVERYONE now knows your shameful stories! Who cheated on who, your darkest secrets all out... Still got face to turn up in public ka? * shakes head *

Another thing which amazes me is how people is so defensive and how they just dont see the picture. Some allow themselves to be stomped all over by their partner and yet still acclaim their undying love. Some openly cheats and deliberately hurt you, and you still want to get back together with them. I just dont understand - why hang on to someone who is obviously dont want you? Who obviously use you to the max and spat all over you with not even a shread of compassion?

* sigh * This show just cruelly reminds us that humans are 2-faced and selfish. I feel bleak that people can be so jahat... Why inflict so much pain on others? Especially on those whom you used to love too? Dont you have any conscience? I seriously hope what goes around comes around - so these evil, selfish people get a taste of their own medicine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Sounds like a programme I watched once. That episode is very similar to the one you described in the first case. For that episode, it was about a couple, the gf complained (?) about the guy, saying that he watched too much porn, has weird fetishes (due to watching too much porn) and even had another gf. Then they invite that other gf and an "online friend" of the accuser. Apparently, the two of them (accuser and her online friend) had sex before. So drama...... Anyway, in the end, they ask the bf to choose which one he wants to be his gf and... he said he chose both. Both of the girls then went off, so no conclusion. Haha.