Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Assignment Blues...

Its that time of the semester where we, the procrastinate-crowd will skip meals, mortgage sleep and brave through rain as well as shine to race toward assignment due dates. Yours truly is guilty as charged * :P *

Of course, it doesnt need to take a genius to know that, especially for group assignments, we will at A-L-L times receives parts of work from fellow group members at the very last minute. I dont really mind, cos I understand how the procrastinators' minds work, but what sizzles me to the point of burning flames is when you are given work-yang-bukan-macam-work.

This semester so far had been the worst for me. I have 2 assignments which suffers from this work-yang-bukan-macam-work disease. One of them, in a group of 4 human minds, 2 of them handed up copy-and-paste work to us. They dont even bother to edit or paraphrase or even change the settings of the font style and color! WTF? And they expect to submit that 'work' ? What even more menyakitkan hati is when even for copy-and-paste, they copy yang tidak berkenaan with the assignment topic!!! Pliargerism is not of their concern, especially when lecturers in my uni dont really impose any actions towards it, hence the dongkois all berleluasa meniru dan menampal for their assignments. It all ended up with poor, hard-workers like us to edit and touchup on their so-called work, which equivalent to not doing anything at all. What to do? We dont want to hand in kerja yang ditiru and ditampal and I want to ensure I get good grades for my assignment. Of course, i wont let them escape without a good scolding * :P * and a highlighted position in the black list.

Another assignment, there is this dongkoi who never seems to do her work. She will act as if she is very responsible, calling, sms-ing and attended all discussions but nothing but a great pretender. She will agree to any work assigned to her, but behind my back, push those works to other group members. She gave lame excuses which all these kind of people loves to use - I tak tau buat-lah... What amazed me was how the people she bullied apparently did it for her! I didnt know until last minute when these " good samaritans" complaint that their goodwill had been over-violated... * WTF? * Arent you suppose to NOT allow yourself being violated in the 1st place? Must wait until OVER ka? * pengsan * muntah darah * What even more extreme is that she is now merajuk and 'angry' at the people she originally bullied for they refuse to do the work for her! And she somemore told me that those people defamed her as she did not do what they claim she did... I tak kisah - as long as you all submit to me the work.

Memang pening kepala dealing with these dongkois. What are the meaning of studying to them? I think, to them, studying is just to pass exams and to graduate, not to LEARN. They doesnt bother if they learn or not, its apparent with such attitude. * sigh... *

And we always hear " Maju-lah bangsa dan negara kita " - I see that the future of us being maju is bleak if these attitudes goes on. Heck, with such people, we prolly wont maju at all and in fact, mundur... * sigh * sigh *

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