A super delayed food entry * LOL * yeah, told ‘ya that I have a lot of backlog… * =P *
I almost forgot about this folder containing pictures of which I wanted to blog about – well, it was long ago mer… Yes, I know SP desperately want to reach through the monitor screen to cubit me for all my late entries * =P * Sabar okay, dear? I am trying my best to fight the lazy bug in me and post all for your pleasure * wink * wink *
And also a food entry to entice WL after she commented about how she missed Malaysian food – well, I went with her for this, but I guess this serves as a reminder of what she missed? * =P * I guess another “cubit” from WL if she too can reach through the monitor * heehee *
Went to this place offering Taiwan Food at the Gardens, Midvalley. They have an open shop concept, with tables rather close to each another to maximize the space. I was intrigued by their menu as they do offer a many dishes I was not familiar with or eager to try, but was a lil disappointed when it did not turn out to be as special as I expect it to be. However, I like their presentation of food - very nice!

My Pudding Milk Tea which looked ugly - looked like some overnight fermented curd at the bottom of my glass... * eeee... * Taste why, the tea was alright, but I did not fancy the "pudding"...
Fried Seafood Tempura - like how it came with an old-school basket. Its was sad that they removed it after a few minutes - prolly due to our small table was running out of space for all our food * LOL * piggies we are...
Anyway, I prefer the Seafood Tempura from Shihlin Snacks compared to this...
Mee Sua - Its was rather good - again, notice the uniques presentation * hehehe *
Coconut Toast - ooohhh! This is actually VERY good! I like it a lot! Memang very sedap, very different form many of the other toasts I have tasted. Must be eaten while it is still hot for maximum enjoyment. The bread was so soft, and the topping were sweet and crumbly - a bit like the Polo Bun top when it was piping hot - A must try!
Sweet potato balls - no good, can not rival our Petaling street punya! * =P * This contains more flour than sweet potato, but like their bite size...
WL cannot resist this very cutesy, bunny toothpick holder * LOL *
Part of my rice platter - again, am impressed by their unique semi-circle plate which houses my condiments. The bowl of white rice was topped with minced meat.
This is the main dish served with the rice. It has an impressive name on the menu * my apologies, I forgot the name * but it turned out to be...
Just another dish of suspiciously like our "kung pou" chicken! * sigh... * Not on the other end of good "kung pou" chicken some more... But again, the presentation of the dish was real good.
Well, I do find this place a good one to have a lazy, long brunch. The portion of the food are good, enable you to try out a variety of dishes and still got enough to share.
Rate: Food 6 /10 Price 5 /10 Service 6 /10 Ambience 6.5 / 10