Bulgogi - a first experience of having this on a stove. Usually had mine come in a claypot or in the BBQ pit itself...
Overly sensitive, LOves Fiercely, Loyal, Sot-sot, Loud, Passionate, A die-hard romantic, Lazy, Woozy - thats half of ME !!! Dont worry, I wont bite...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Korean Dinner At Tropicana Mall
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Mr. Pooky
Looking out into the views....
Me and Mr Pooky - do we look alike?
** oo... my skin looks almost flawless here - except for the eye bag * hahaha *
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Brother Dessert
The double skin milk puding ala Macau style. No where near the one I ate in Macau.
It prolly is a different type, but me no likey after I have tastes the one in Macau.
Cafe Latte Choco
As most Godiva choccies, it costs a bomb to get some - to mere cheap labourers like moi that is. I think this tiny box costs rm25++?
But it is worth the indulgence... Hey, a couple of pea-sized choc balls wont spoil your diet * I am praying hard that this is true * =P *
Thanks to M for this belated tiny pressie!!! Meow~
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Pear Flavored!
Did I mention here that I simply love this brand's lip balm?
If I have not - I DO SO VERY MUCH! * heehee *
Theirs usually come unscented. When it is the time for Xmas, they will have the limited edition ones out on sale. I bought the mango flavored one last year in which I lurved.
A sms from CC on Sunday rocked my peace. Really.
She told me that this year, the new LE flavor is -------- PEAR.
I have never have anything in Pear flavored - I think * =P *
Not knowing why, it kept playing in my head that I MUST GET THE PEAR FLAVORED ONE.
To the extend which Z beh-tahan and brought me to MV to get it
* LOL *
Pear-smelling meow now!
* heeheehee * wink! *
Big Bad Book Sale
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
This, my friends, did wonders to my senses... and mood.
Thanks to Ms Sweet Origins, 3 tiny dots of this potion produce strong, refreshing peppermint scent for you to inhale, and then lightly rub / massage your nape, ears and temples.
Yup, that simply melt your stress / frustration away - well, at least, temporarily. Works on headaches too, apparently. It did calm me down and at the same time, refreshes a sleepy meow.
Simple, tiny enough to be tucked into your handbag, this quickly becomes another one of girl's best friend. I like it so much, I am influencing people around me to get it * LOL *
Try it - let it mesmerize you itself...
P/S : I got the limited edition one in Pink bottle - in conjuction with the recent Breast Cancer Awareness drive * heehee *
Strawberries over lunch
Hungry Boo
Boost your tastebuds
Monday, November 16, 2009
Over a mug of hot choccie
Fingers partially numb from the cold, I tapped on the keyboard slowly, occasionally find myself staring at the soft dances of leaves, caressed by the wind.
I have no freaking idea.
Just another moment of life where my mind is blank. I know that I have to do something - well, there are lots for me to do, ie, my pigsty which barely passes the label of being a bedroom if it's not for the bed at one corner of it.
TH on the Bouncer
This was captured and sent to us by my Bro-In-Law. TH was enjoying himself on this ultra fun bouncer for babies. I wish I am only 10kg - then I can play on this as well!
But then again, rather expensive - rm699 and it can carry up to the weight of 12kg only.
I salute those creative minds who created this fun ride!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Mickey to Singapore
Mickey went to SG with me for both rounds in July and in August. He appeared to enjoy it more than I do.
Love Love Love
I am not in love.
Just happen to like this blog skin.
It reminds me that I need love.
If only I can have a tree like this which will grow love for me.
Better still, if it can grow me some men.
Straight, macho men.
it really made a difference
This is proven right again.
I must thank that manicurist who taught me this trick. Never knew it really makes such a huge difference.
A nail polish thinner really helps to make the polish texture smoother, painting easier, end results much more flawless.
Yes, even with a rm5 nail color.
I am in ecstasy with this discovery.
Oh, and also the discovery of where to get fancy nail polish at 30% lower rate.
* muahahahaha! *
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Korean Lunch at Solaris
Yeah, we need to feed before our mani+pedi! * LOL *
And we had these for lunch. A rather nice place to be - quiet with good food. Definitely a nice place to yak without having to scream on top of each other to be heard.
C had Kimchi Jiggae which was very good too. We didnt have the BBQ, shall leave that for our next round!
Curry Pan Mee
Another interesting one from them is the Fried Pan Mee - which is like Char Kuey Teow but use Pan Mee instead of Kuey Teow * smiles *
Nevertheless, a good place to go for adventurous Pan Mee lovers...
Chocolate Mooncake!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Haagen Daz Mooncake
Had it once long ago, and wanted to reclaim the taste but somehow it will slip away. Yeah, it always happen that I finally want to go makan and realise mooncake festival is over.
So this year, I went ahead of time - EAT IT BEFORE THE FESTIVAL ITSELF
* muahahaha *
Hell yeah I am satisfied... Pretty lil thing it was too...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
In Bandung 15 - 19 Oct 2009
Will be flying off to Bandung in 9 hours!
* yippee yippee ya ya! *
With all the feedback that Bandung is a shopping haven, what else can a partial-shopaholic not think but to anticipate all the goodies she can find and purchase?
* muahahaha *
Wish me luck that I will find lots of cheap stuff I want!
* wink wink *
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What Do You Think?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Happy 2009 Birthday Pammie!

A sexy pic for my sexy chee mui - I will not forget our date to go to a strip bar someday. A strip bar with MALE stripper, excuse moi! ** =P **
You know I lurve you so here I shall give you all I can give;
happy birthday gal!
Happy 2009 Birthday Cindy!

Though a day belated this post may be, well, you know I always post entries belated anyway * wink wink * - your birthday is one of the highlights of my every year.
Again, I cannot stress on how much I lurve you! * hugsies! *
Also, may I remind you again;
Have lots of fun, orgasm and definitely pretty things pampering you at all time!
Happy Birthday, my chee-mui!
Belated CH Bday Pic
HRV Farewell
I left HRV end of May 2009. Time to moved to my 2nd rotation assignment. Am a lil too lazy to blog about it now * hehehe * Check out the pics in my multiply site for more insight into the event * hehehe *
I had super fun there in HRV. My 1st real job, my 1st corporate exposure (though the environment there is not so much corporate but yeah) - a real life experience of all sorts of new sensations to fuzzy me.
Found friends, found out what it means by working 16 hours a day, found the many facets of life, found treasures of life wisdom.
Work is not always fun, but I did had lots of fun in HRV. I was fortunate to be given many opportunities, in which grew a more colourful me. A many few pounds heavier too with all the goodies! * LOL *
Many thanks to all who added "colour" to me during my stay. Sincerely wish all the very best to each and every of them, even to those mean ones * not that there we more than a handful of them * hehehe *
And more, words can never describe how fortunate I am to be able to shadow good leaders. Many thanks for the thoughfulness and the very nice farewell tea party. Did not expect to get such a grand one * to me that is very *, thanks for the respect and recognition - this means loads to me.
Mr. Boo
Have been anticipating him, see his cheeky fangs! He lurves to play peek-a-boo * =P * and occasionally bites when he cant restrain himself.
I overly enjoyed myself, had lots of fun and laughter - thanks to each and everyone of ya!
** shall update blog about it soon ** heehee **