* Super Delayed Entry * Yeah, am trying to clear off my back log of food entries!!! * hahaha * While I sort out my recent "activities" pics, please be patient * =P *
Always wanted to blog about this place, * or prolly I did but forgot * anyway, the pics are still in my archive - so what the heck.
For those of you like lazy meow here - whom likes to eat dimsum but lack of the motivation to wake up early to eat it * yes, waking up at 1030 on a Saturday morning IS early to me * =P * - you can try this dimsum place at ss2. They open way till after midnite * = P *
For those of you like lazy meow here - whom likes to eat dimsum but lack of the motivation to wake up early to eat it * yes, waking up at 1030 on a Saturday morning IS early to me * =P * - you can try this dimsum place at ss2. They open way till after midnite * = P *

And for those craving for durian, they have durian puffs * heehee * Yummy!!!
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