Sunday, July 26, 2009

Expensive Week

This is the most expensive week I had so far...

Dont ask me how much I have spent, its a HUGE amount... * sigh *

I am trying to convince myself to stop thinking about it * at least until the bill arrives * eeek! * that this is for my future as well as my well being... It will last me well into the coming days...

Oh well... I guess what is spent is spent... I shall be tight for the next 2 months (or maybe 3..) to overcome the guilt hence no shopping, no purchasing!

So I can now only motivate myself to look forward surviving these "dry months" of no shopping by thinking of how I shall reward myself for my birthday in October * =P *

Heys, you can never take shopping out from this partial shopaholic!!! * I can see WL rolling her eyes * =P *

Monday, July 20, 2009

USJ 9 Chilli PanMee

I hope you guys are happy with the bigger pics now... * =) *

It seems like everyone I know who lives in USJ is talking about this new Chili PanMee in USJ 9. At first, excited PanMee fan like me thought that it is like the yummy one I had in KL, imagine my disappointment when found out that is is not.

Went to try it for dinner with Mom yesterday and came home grumpy. I tell you, I wont return. Nope. Never.

They started to anger me when it took ages for my bowl of Chili Panmee to arrive, despite other late comers got it earlier than me. No apologies from the shop owner some more. Even the rm2.20 juice is watered down to the extend that I can water my plants with it.

Impressive looking bowl of rm 5.50!!! chilli pan mee - but tasted bland upon hitting the tastebuds. No where even 30% near the famous one in KL. The egg was over cooked, no hint of say sauce at all despite it suppose to be kolo.

The noodles were sticky, not springy and like their juice, also tasted watered down with the lack of flour taste. The chili - only hot and no other flavors.

The dumplings at least were decent.

Needless to say, I walked out unhappy and vow not to return.

Durian Mania - unsuccessful

With durian season heavily in town, me and Pammie with much desire wanting to stuff our pig faces with durians. Heard that there's this popular sprout of eat-all-you-can at rm10 each stomach durian stalls all over and excitedly me and Pam went with Z joining us out of curiosity.

Unfortunately, the hope was crushed when the durian man tells us that they ran out of eat-all-you-can capacity for the day, hence we can just settle for those individual priced durians.

Oh well, something to satiate the craving...


This crafty seller have this on where the water will flow out of the durian when you turn it on to wash your hands! Cute!

Hell yeah, we must go for the eat-all-you-can durian session at least one! Till then, we anticipate...


Another BENEFIT for remembering to eat your watermelon - note to give this to you man frequently for the extra * err... * boost? * =P *

Got this from CLEO Singapore, July 2009 issue.
* wink wink *

Sunday, July 19, 2009

TH is 100 Days Old

Today we celebrated Baby TH's 100 days old.

We had a cozy homemade dinner of steamboat and he behaved himself tonight with almost no grumpiness.

Didnt take any pictures as I was late for dinner * heehee *

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Baggage Overload

Heys heysz! Am trying to unpack and all but nothing in progress. My luggage and shopping bags and tons of other PQ stuff strewn all over my room - yet there is no action towards it despite the glaring need.

Its now Sunday evening, I think all these have to wait another week, huh?

Panda Meow needs her lazy moment before the hectic week ahead...

Wish me luck, this gonna be a definite tough week with lots of running around...

On top of that, there's 2-3 AH1N1 cases being reported from employees who worked at the TwinTowers - ughh... how-la wanna go work like this...

Hence SP, looks like its bleak ahead to expect much blog entries from me this week * =P *

Sorry SP

Sorry SP, Didnt know you have the Hippo in Bikini and I actually got you a pair of the same one...

* =( *

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

SG Great Sale Here I Come!

Touched my feet on SG grounds at 835pm today.
Hotel is great!
Hope to get some shopping done in between training!
* heehee *

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Lazy Sunday for Mickey

** Received few complaints that the pics I published here were too small - using the medium size now which seems to be too big pulak. How? **

What is best to do during the weekends after eventful weeks at work yet too lazy to break a sweat? Be a couch potato and catch up on dramas/movies!!!

When I was in HK, I brought Mickey home. I was proudly showing off my Mickey and a friend pointed out, " Minnie leh? He must be Lonely..." SHIT!!! I forgot that they come in PAIRS and poor Mickey was separated from his love... * =( *
Thank Gooodness DS was also on his way to HK Disneyland and willing to fly Minnie home for us -Thanks DS!!!

What Mickey was doing while awaiting his mate?

Busy watching Gems of Life * =P *

Still watching - getting comfy...

Mickey says Hie!!!

New WorkPlace

Just to share some view from my new workplace...

My new sexy thing - mouse arm rest - bear in swimming trunk * muahahaha *

My HK Mouse-Mouse

Introduce you to my HK Disney pals - Mickey and Minnie Mouse!!!
A sneak preview before I blog about my HK trip - as always, pls be patient ya! * =P *

Hello~ I am HK Mickey!

The ever alluring Minnie!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Ice-cream Frenzy!

** Delayed entry **

Who's to kid - I am well known among my people that I love ice-creams and has a love affair with HaagenDaz.

Imagine my excitement when C and I stumbled upon the Eat-All-You-Can HaagenDaz ice creams at Solaris after our mani+pedi!!!

OMG - I have Ice-cream orgasm that day and yeah, walked out the shop with a flush from the excitement and a stoic smile on my face * blush * yeah, also few thousands of calories added to my already huge hips and thighs.

You can only take up to 3 scoops at a time, and no toppings given. yeah, I managed to try almost all the flavors they had there * =P *

So lets check on the ice-creams I had...

Yup - 12 SCOOPS!!! * muahahahahaha!!! * By the 9th scoop or was it 6th? *, my tongue was frozen already! * LOL * worth every lick of it, baby!!!

So who is brave enough for this challenge? Any one care to join this crazy Panda? Meows? * =P * We can sit all day and hear me talk laugh giggle nonsense when high on sugar? * heehee *

Heys, see how the Green Tea matched with my manicure? * hehehe * WL likey???

Asian Sandwich

Ooo... I just like to eat this type of "Asian Sandwich" - Dried meat + Meat Floss in a bun * yummy! *

There's one at the SS2 pasar malam which is half of this size, and they grill the bun covered with egg. * double yummy! *

Nothing much, just want to salute this yummy food which I lurve * =P * Though it might not be impressive in terms of presentation, they never fails to draw a contented smile on my face each time they hit my tastebuds.

Jaz's Ginger

To Cat Haters out there - this is my entry on meows - move on if you hate cats, dont need to remind me that you dont. I like cats.

This is Mr. Ginger, one of Jaz's baby. To be honest, I have never had any close encounter with a house-cat. The most I have petted are the tepi jalan cats and at PAWS.

Had meow-meow fun watching this cat sauntered around the house with their catty grace, and to my surprise, found out that Ginger LOVES SHOES~ * LOL * He is shy as well - such a sweetie.

I dunno why I like cats. I guess I admire their grace and thinks they have character.

Oh ya, I HATE people who claims that they are animal lovers but THEY HATE CATS. Hypocrites - cats are an animal too what. Also hate people who injure cats, or kick them when near -worst, throw burning cigarette butts at them - you can don't like them but you don't have the right to harm them. Can I burn your hair with a cigarette butt and don't get prosecuted just because I don't like you? So keep those cigarette butts and your mean feet away from the meows!!!

Cute lil meow... Lurve the paws...

Ginger hogging my sandals... He simply loves footwear...

What a beautiful meow~ Those pretty eyes... and of course, I like the sight on this picture of Ginger's paw! * wink wink *