Ladies and gentlemen, Abang-abang, Kakak-kakak, Adik-adik, Pakcik-makcik, Datuk-nenek; I present to you - (cheng cheng cheng) Roti Kiap Kahwin Butter& Kaya!
P/S : That beautiful pair of hands belongs to my beloved cheemui yg kuat sex :P ( U know who u r! ) *giggles*wink*wink*
Pardon me for the dramatic opening - well, the name of the mentioned item deserves a dramatic introduction - to me that is :P As I was in one of my super-chatty-nonstop-gibbers-session with one of my most, paling, yang teramat,extremely, beloved cheemui *kekeke* (sincere la...), we stopped by this kopitiam at LG, Summit USJ to quench our thirst while continueing our neverending chatters.
With the recent bout of mushrooming kopitiams which serves old-style kopi and toasts, they seem to be found at every other corner. Not that I'm complaining, I am a toast lover and loves coffee despite being a lil coffee-induced-caffein-intolerant. Those who loves me knows what coffee does to me! *wink*
Anyway, what I want to draw to attention is not my problematic affair with coffee, but the rather catchy name this particular kopitiam chose for their toasts - Roti Kiap Kahwin Butter & Kaya. Cute, hor? Definitely drew a smile for my day. Of course, this roti kiap did deliver the taste of olden days' kopitiam's. Se...dapppp....! As for the coffee, not up to my 'standard' for the original kopi taste.
I give a 6.5 / 10.0 for the toast and their overall suitability as a yumcha/hanging out place.
1 comment:
Since when i become the kuat sex 1?..=D its memang you all the while la dun 'pan yeh'... =D i tak layak memangku that jawatan =D still have lotsa 2 learn fr the best/expert (which is you, Chen PQ)muahhahah all the languanges in the universe! i WIN!!
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