"Owner of 25 dogs tries to save pets from death" was one of the news on the highlight in The Star newspaper today. My initial reaction - Wat the F&*$ is happening? Then it graduated to - How the F#$%ing "kind" these Municipal Council enforcers are!
Yeah, the dog owner who is a huge pooch lover has violated the local municipal law and ignored the warnings and grace period given. BUT - of all the many options - WHY SHOT THOSE POOR DOGS? IT ISNT THEIR FAULT THAT THEY WERENT MOVED TO ANOTHER AREA.
What enraged me was this - "The council has received a court order on 20 dec last year to CULL ALL 25 CANINES in the house." What is the excuse for them to order to CULL the doggies? Has they proven that the dogs infected with the anjing gila disease or that the dogs had in any incident harmed anyone? There were only complaints from the neighbours on the disturbance and of foul stench caused by and from the canines. Since when causing foul stench causes CULLING punishments? Then those cat-infested kampung houses SHOULD be culled. Then those people who continuosly throw rubbish into drains which causes FOUL STENCH should be culled too. And the argument on the disturbance caused. What sort of 'disturbance' which goes to the extend of needing the canines to be culled? Loud barkings at those pesty kids who throw stones at the dogs? How come no one makes any COMPLAINTS when cat owners leave their cats to "take walks on their own" and their lovely cats digged and tore the rubbish, causing "disturbance" to others? Why no one CULL those cats?
I just cant take it!!! Cant they confisticate the dogs and send to SPCA or something? Is it a MUST to shoot them all dead? What happened to humane actions? Or isit because they are DOGS? Had it been cats or chickens or birds - will they CULL them too?
Maybe it is in the ruling that they CULL the animals when owners failed to react to orders. Isnt it time to amend the rulings to be a little more humane to our canine friends? Just because the dogs cant speak doesnt mean they dont feel the pain. They deserves to live just like you, me and - yes, you those damned enforcers who shot them to death.
May those doggies rest in peace and be free from all sufferings. May them be shared upon our good karmas and I dedicate my merits to all of you.
AND May those of you who shot, who initiated the shooting, who supported the shooting, who contributed to the shooting - die a restless death and endure all the possible sufferings in this lifetime and many more lifetimes in whatever realm you will be born into.
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