Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Busy week...

Sorry folks, for not blogging lately. Had been busy with classes and also since this semester I participate in a club, it added to my equation of workload :/

Working with dongkois only contribute additional stress and frustration, but I am able to manage my anger - still able to, yet :P And dunno if it is due to the hectic-manic-ness, I seem to be forgetful leh... SERIOUSLY carelessness to the max!

I was rushing off for an interview at 9.30am this morning, and in all the hush of preparation and fuss of looking presentable, I actually speeded off to Uni without my handbag! Seriously 100% dongkoi-me! I was lucky not to be stopped by a police or watever without my IC and driving license! Not to mention my handphone and money and makeup and matric card! Thank God they didnt ask for my matric card to enter the interview room *phew!* And it was too late to drive back to USJ... I was lucky yet not so too :P

Oh, yeah... I spent one hour and a half without my hp and wallet... The experience of not having my mobile with me is alright, but to not have my wallet was S-C-A-R-Y... *eeeeeks!*


Anonymous said...

wah!!...1 n a half hr without hp!!...n u manage to now there will be no such thing as u cannot live without hp d..well at least for 1 1/2 hr la.....yay!...u finally did it...thinking about breaking the record??.....i dont mind to babysit ur hp for u... ;P

Anonymous said...

i survived without my hp for 10-months when was in NZ because no hp ... terra eh ;-) tepuk tangan abit la =p