Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Live to eat

Do you eat to live or live to eat? Well, in Fatty Luck's case, its live to eat. Being the glutton himself, he'll do anything, just ANYTHING just to eat, even to a very tiny fragment of food - serious la. Very, very different from 'yau sing kak' Iro...

Here's an example of his never give up and I'll-do-all-that-it takes-for-food attitude of Lucky's :

1) Bro enticing him with a piece of cake. Fatty is sniffing very hard and tried to reach that cake.

2) Lucky : Alamak... ! Kenot reach! Argh!!! Must push my muzzle into the bar...! Come on! I can do it! Cake! Here I come!!! Gimme...gimmeeeeeeeeee....!!!!!

3) Still cant reach it, my bro start provoking him by threatening to eat the cake himself, Fatty Luck launch into his last stretegy - FIGHT!!! Lucky : GRRRRR!!!! GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEE!!!! ( and start crashing the gate)

So, folks, inila muka those who live to eat - his never give up spirit is actually credible as he really WILL DO ALL IT TAKES TO GET THE FOOD. * wink* Are you like this? :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooo i wonder whether the co-owner (the author of the blog) macam fatty luck...hehe... =p jk