Okie... Before I start, saya mau menjelaskan bahawa my previous post of monokuro boo has and carries no intention of wanting you people to get it for my birthday. It was all just a joke and a catch to wrap up that entry. Please do not get offended thinking I initiated the need for people to get me birthday gifts . I hate it most when people feels that it is an obligation to get me birthday presents for any sort of reason. There is no need for it. If one is truly sincere, their action will speaks all.
So please, if anyone gotten offended, sorry and seriously, there's no obligation to get me a birthday present just because. If you are truly sincere, believe me, I WILL KNOW and of course, I CAN TELL *muahahahaha!* If one just gives me monokuro boo because they thought I hinted about it in my blog and actually gets me one, - they thought they are getting something I want as they dunno what I like, well, it tells how much they actually care enough to know and understand me. It means you just get what you are told to do, which was and is not my intention. Some might feels that its better to get you somthing you likes than actually getting something you doesnt. Well, that is them, not me. If you know me, my birthday is seen in my eyes as a celebration of MYSELF by MYSELF for being blessed another year of life, for rejoicing the anniversary of my birth to the world. Friends who care enough to celebrate this occasion with me are welcomed and hugely appreciated, not obliged. Birthdays are not only just about presents. Thanks, but no thanks, please, I truly wasnt implying that anyone must get me something. If you dont actually loves me, dont bother k... Friendship and love is not measured by buying the right gift for my birthday. No point going all out for my birthday or getting me a present whereas throughout the rest of the days in the year, you didnt bother to contact me nor sincerely go yumcha with me because you enjoy my company, when you are too 'busy' to spend one minute and 20sen to sms me? When one is willing to entertain others in their limited, busy life than to contact me thinks getting me what I want will erase their negligence towards our friendship? And those keep saying they remember my birthday and "intend" to celebrate with me but every year also gives excuses when it really arrives is another pest I wanna squash. PLEASE, just dont.
If one is really sincerely my fren and loves me, every sms, every meeting we had is already the ultimate birthday present for me. Thanks loads, I know who you people are. I lurve you people! *mumumuaks*
Okay, this entry was supposed to be a happy one where I wanna share with you all my latest purchase of Monokuro Boo merchandises. Yeah, one can see i am infected - most of my stuff has monokuro boo's indentation *wink*

And here's what I managed to scout - a notebook, a badge, a HP strap, stickers and wrapping paper. I even bought a pair of monokuro boo hairclips! *heehee*
1 comment:
Well, that thought didn't occur to me when I read your previous post.
But NOW that you mention it..sighez..i guess i HAVE to give you a monokuru boo gift ..i mean, how obvious can you get?
Hahaha!..Kidding lah.:P
You ar..condemned as a asian cartoon character soft toy fan for life lah. All the years I've known you, don't know go through how many different characters craze...
*shakes head*
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