Overly sensitive, LOves Fiercely, Loyal, Sot-sot, Loud, Passionate, A die-hard romantic, Lazy, Woozy - thats half of ME !!! Dont worry, I wont bite...
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Reflection upon my 'self'
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Lousy Italian Food in SS2

The Deep-fried Mozarella which I anticipated to be those wholly deep-fried cheese chunks a bit like those from BurgerKing's, but it turned out to be Mozarella SANDWICH which they deepfried! As if it did not irritate me enough, there's a minimal cheese in them! @#$%$#@$$%

Lasagna - salty to the max, with very few layers too.
Tiramisu - the dessert i anticipated - which was a disappointment. Nampak cantik, but the taste was far from it.
Well, dont think I will ever return to this place, unless with a change of chef and management. But I am anticipating to try the other Utalian restaurant in ss2 - hopefully that is THE ONE recommended by the newspaper.... Siapa mau ikut?
Rate : Food 3.5/10, Price 5 /10, Ambience 7 /10, Service 4 /10
Friday, March 16, 2007
I need rain!
And I like how detailed this piggie was made into. She ( I assumed its a female since no ku-ku-bird sighted * :P * ) even has a ribbon on the top of her head! Sweet-nya!

Feeling very lazy lately, when there is so much for me to do... And lately me bought a lot of books! Greedy me - la, cos got book fair and some of the books happen to be cheaper and I just can not resist bargain books! * hehehe * Some more OneU MPH is having clearance sale! OMG! I must not go!!! * wink * And I miss W@i !!! Hope to catch you in MSN soon!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Taiwan Snacks

Fried Seafood Tempura, which has totally no seafood in it! Only seafood flavoring! Sprinkled with spicy powder on top, its a great snack actually!

They also sells XXL fried chicken - which looks like another version of Pasar Malam Uncle Bob's Fried Chicken, we didnt try it la. A place which offers unique snacks but it lacks of space for customers to sit comfyly to enjoy it. More of a eat n go type of place. I do recommend this place for a quick bite before a movie ot sumthing, though not that cheap but still ok, I think, as each snack is priced at rm5.50 each.
Rate : Food 6 /10, Price 6 /10, Service 6.5 /10, Ambience 4 /10
Hamsap Dog-Dog
So this naughty fella should be placed behind bars! * :P *
Friday, March 09, 2007
Cutesy "Lobsters"

Rate : Food 4.5 /10, price 5 /10, service 5 /10, ambiance - too dark and noisy to my likings
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
$$$$$ decision ...
Monday, March 05, 2007
CH's recommendation
- At rm6 per set, you get the whole chicken thigh and the drumstick, unlike a small serving of chic one get with the biasa one.
- Well, it was indeed quite 'waat' * :P * Usually, braised chic meat is usually more 'waat' than the baked ones, and to acheive a degree of 'waat-ness' requires a certain skill by the chef.
- The accompanying sauce cukup 'hamm' (salty). I think WL will like the sauce cos she very 'ham-sap' - er... i mean, like salty stuff * :P * For me its a lil on the too salty side, but very complimenting the chic.
- I dunno its because of the hamsap sauce, but they served the chic with white rice instead of the usual nasi minyak.

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