The weather is scorching hot lately - and I have lost the battle - I am down with sorethroat * :( * I need the rainy season!
Ya, I know if its the rainy season, some areas might be flooded - but I just cant stand the hot weather! I am not a "sunny" person - anyone beg to differ? I simply lurve the rain, the gloomy dark clouds and the smell of first batch of raindrops when they hit the earth...
Like on Monday, it was raining rather heavily in the noon. I was so excited, I ended up sitting out in the porch to feel the rain, and playing with rain water. So gila rite? But I just cant help but feeling sentimental, and of course, grateful for the heavy rain which drove away the heat. Sitting there, allowing the mist to envelope me was heavenly refreshing and reminded me how I missed sitting out to 'feel' the rain nowadays compared to the frequent me during my secondary school years...
I cant resist but must post these pictures of a piggy-cake SP gave me for CNY. Its those kind like mooncake liddat but in the form of a cute piggie.
And I like how detailed this piggie was made into. She ( I assumed its a female since no ku-ku-bird sighted * :P * ) even has a ribbon on the top of her head! Sweet-nya!

Feeling very lazy lately, when there is so much for me to do... And lately me bought a lot of books! Greedy me - la, cos got book fair and some of the books happen to be cheaper and I just can not resist bargain books! * hehehe * Some more OneU MPH is having clearance sale! OMG! I must not go!!! * wink * And I miss W@i !!! Hope to catch you in MSN soon!
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