Sweetie CH insisted on me trying the acclaimed ' hou- waat' chicken rice in the Summit USJ, so we went there during the 1st week of CNY to 'check' if they are really as 'waat' as he claimed * :P *
Upon 'investigation', it is called the 'nasi ayam special' there. Dont simply request nasi ayam, or you'll end up being served with, well, the biasa one * :P * What so special with this nasi ayam, you may ask?
- At rm6 per set, you get the whole chicken thigh and the drumstick, unlike a small serving of chic one get with the biasa one.
- Well, it was indeed quite 'waat' * :P * Usually, braised chic meat is usually more 'waat' than the baked ones, and to acheive a degree of 'waat-ness' requires a certain skill by the chef.
- The accompanying sauce cukup 'hamm' (salty). I think WL will like the sauce cos she very 'ham-sap' - er... i mean, like salty stuff * :P * For me its a lil on the too salty side, but very complimenting the chic.
- I dunno its because of the hamsap sauce, but they served the chic with white rice instead of the usual nasi minyak.

Rate : Chicken rice 7 /10, Ambience 5 /10, Service 5 /10, Price 5.5 /10.
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