Thursday, August 14, 2008

Me with Short Hair Now!

I cut my hair last Saturday - real short.

Well, the shortest it has been for the past 2 years or so.

Am happy that I decided to get the Professional Stylist cut - with the feedbacks and excessive attention I got from the cut, it worth every damn sen I spent.

On top of that, that professional stylist was a Handsome one, with deep macho voice AND very, veeeerrrrryyyy long fingers * I likey!!! * muahahahaha *

In case you might ask - Oh well, needed the boost as I was sick, feeling down, stressed, flustered and frustrated - hence the impulse decision to cut. * wink wink *

And for the 1st time in my life, more than 5 people in a single day, said that I look like a Baby Doll!!! * LOL * Prolly due to my round, pudgy face and big eyes? * LOL *

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