Overly sensitive, LOves Fiercely, Loyal, Sot-sot, Loud, Passionate, A die-hard romantic, Lazy, Woozy - thats half of ME !!! Dont worry, I wont bite...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Fun at the Bakers' Supply Shop
Not that I dropped that hobby - though I wish to defend that I am still very much passionate with baking! - but I am for sure know that I have been lazy, very lazy.
I guess working adults face this dilemma - unless you are a working wife and mother which drives you to squeeze every second out of every minute, or you are a hyperactive person who has high energy 24/7.
So what triggers me to run a trip all the way to my fav Bakers' Supply Shop in Glenmarie? An addidtive Iphone application * haha! * Was playing Bakery Story and it sort of make me want to bake real time too other than virtually.
I spent a whooping one hour and a half there - choosing my stuff with the other half of the time ogling at the nice-to-haves. If only I have a rich hubby who can afford to indulge me with my hobbies and not needing me to report to anyone other than him * =P *
A reminder to all : Please do not get carried away when you are in there! The price tags look harmless, of a Rm5 here and a Rm 6 there. The check-put bill is what will harm your wallet.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed myself, and vow to bake over this long weekend. With CNY about a month away, good to jump start my "baking engine" and hopefully am able to produce some edible cookies for my dearies as a token of appreciation * =) *
Christmas 2010
Really HUGE ones - see how "small" big meow me looked next to this giant cutie? * =P *
They even have carousel horses! My Fave! And it looked eerily like the one I have next to my bed but like 100 times bigger!
And What everyone likes most about Xmas would be......
I<> like candy canes and what more one which comes with a bell! * jingle jingle meow~~~ *
One present which really gets my heart beating quick...
P/S : Apologies for those whom requested for the Xmas hat as on Mr Boo above, I couldnt make them in time. Will try to crochet more for you who likes it the next Xmas ya!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Shangri-La Putrajaya
I like their very spacious bathroom - which is almost the same size with the sleeping area as well as giving me the option of a bath and a shower cubicle at the same time. Bubble bath time!
And this is something light up my visit - a carefully thought item along with their toiletries - hair band for the ladies (or some gents) to tie your tresses! I may be jakun, but this is the first time I checked into a hotel which provides me a hairband * =) *
Boo with purses?
Friday, December 10, 2010
My all time favorite
Please don't jump into any conclusion - I do like to watch dramas but to list out names of those actually etched deep impression, wrench my heart and engraved into my memory (on top of the buckets of tears shed!) would only be the following 2:
1. Stairways to Heaven
2. Autumn Concerto
A mere mention of the drama title will have the OSTs flooding my eardrums and tears swimming.
Unable to answer why these dramas affect me in such manner. Silly this may sound, but it somehow reminds me of the feelings I used to have,in which somehow this is comforting to know that I am still capable of feeling so...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tough Task
It's a reality check of either I have too much stuff or I need bigger space, heeheee
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
New Member - Miji
Autumn Concerto
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Stylo Mr. Boo
Sunday, October 17, 2010
RM1 Each1!!!
RM 1 for each pair of these falsies!!! Yeah - obviously they are fakes and not the real deal.
However, looking at the price of falsies nowadays in which to get them at tis price, one will have to purchase them by the dozens. Therefore, I got excited to see these comes in rm1 each.
Let's hope that they turn out looking nice on meow! * wink wink *
SunBlock in Powder form???

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Korean Street Food @ Pyramid
Chicken Satay Korean style - this is alright, nothing special...
Oh well, this is another reminder to my meow self that not all promoted on TV taste as good as they looks...
WL - I hope you can bring me to eat nicer version of these when I am in Korea next time * =) *
Meow Matchboxes
There are this shop in Beijing where they sell such designer matches - yes, mancis! - which comes in cute boxes.
I happen to have one which are of meow meow pictures - time to take out from my storage and start using them * :) *
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Korea Brand Foam Cleansers
The pretty packaging of korean products never fail to attract me. Here to share 2 of the foam cleansers in which I think is nice to use.
From Nature Republic. This cleanser do cleanse well, but sometimes I need to wash twice to get that super squeaky clean feel. It has a very clean and fresh scent lingering after wash.

Lycra in Nail Polish?
Lycra technology embedded into nail polish???
Apparently with this addition, it helps to give extra shine as well as protects nail color from chipping easily. Well, how can I resist not to test it out? * =P *
Verdict : Did not feel much "protection". It does slide out well over nails and have a high shine.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Book Fest Sept 2010
With me having only my lunch hour to spare, I managed to grab 2 books at rm 15.90 each, which one of them is a hardcover * heehee *
And of course, to my delight, there was this promo of 6 pieces of stickers for rm5! Imagine my excitement! Hahaha - and these are good quality stickers, mind you! * =P *
So yeah, the fest is a good go provided that you;
- A stickers fan like moi! * =P *
- Have lots of books you would want to buy - else not worth the rm2 entrance fee. Hey, you will be buying things in there and on top of that you have to pay rm2 to gain entry?
- You have kids which you have to supply them with school books and reading materials - there was plenty at good prices
- You intend to stock up on stationeries - plenty on promo prices like the stickers!
- You can read chinese books - they have books from Taiwan, China, etc
* Smiles *
Dimsum @ IOI Marriot Putrajaya
Monday, August 09, 2010
Eye Cream
Innocent Lil Ghosts

In the midst of coughing and burning throat surrounded by piles of tissue paper, I manage to complete reading this book.
I have to admit that it had been really quite sometime I read a religious book - well, I hardly have the time and energy to read any book * guilty * However, a bout of coincidences aligned.
A Hindu colleague of mine is currently observing vegetarian month. Accompanied her to the temple near KLCC for a vege lunch. Coincidentally, that day was Guan Yin day, hence I stepped into the temple to pay homage. A quick scan at the books corner, this book caught my eye.
This book talks about abortion and the buddhism view about it. It is really scary to reflect how abortion has become a norm in this modern society, without us realising the amount of negative energy it released. Sex seems to be the only constant in this society, where it ruled most things in live, second to money.
It is really a good angle of perspective on the reflection of the act of abortion. Had never realised that an act of support given to a friend in need could be promoting unforeseen huge amount of bad causes. At times you may think you are helping, but in fact, are you really?
Again, something worth reflecting upon.
Sick Meow...
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Bath Time Book?

You can use the book with the child during bath time - where play is learning at the same time! Dont waste any time at all!

So I hope my nephew enjoys this! * =) *