*~Selamat Hari Raya~*
While the Muslims are celebrating their Hari Raya, me 'celebrated' by going shopping (as usual-lah, what else am I so passionate about? :P) Went to Ikea to update my room's decoration (anyway, my pigsty will always be ever messy despite any effort to spruce it :P) and stopped at Fasta Pasta for a tummy fill-up. Actually, wanted to makan itu meatballs at the Ikea food court but it was full to the brim that day, so this was my 2nd choice.
It always amaze me how empty Fasta Pasta is compared to the other restaurants in Ikano & TheCurve. Though most eateries were packed on this public hol, suprisingly Fasta Pasta was almost deserted. Not that their price is outrageous, they are even cheaper than some of the eateries in TheCurve. Wondering...

Tried their meatballs... The meatballs were way to dry and tasted bland. However, the fried pasta beneath were crunchy and the red sauce was laced with cheese, added a pleansant taste to the fried pasta. Dont be fooled by my close-up pic, it was actually a rather small bowl.
I can never resist the tiramisu whenever I am at an Italian restaurant. It really worth your dosh with their rather big serving or tiramisu. Good one too!
The ambience is definitely a good one, especially for chatters like us - enough privacy with cosy, dimmed lights. Service was alright but the drinks here are way pricey - not good for guzzlers like me! * heehee *
Rate : Price 5 /10, Ambience 6 /10, Food 5 /10, Service 6 /10
After that, went to the ss2 pasar malam. It truly had been a long time since my last visit. We were lke crazy - kept buying and buying and buying! Spent so much just in pasar malam! God! But it was fun! Apparently there are more stalls selling accesories now, and some new food stalls. They even have takoyaki stall now! Yay! But I still think the takoyaki @ AsiaCafe taste better! Must go beli-beli more stuff again - maybe when I get my paycheck! * muahahahaha! *
Unrelated entry, my sunflower plant finally blooms! F-I-N-A-L-L-Y! I planted the seed like 3months ago (or was it 4?) Sadly, my plant were skinny and has VERY little leaves. From the 6 seeds I planted, all sprouted, but only 3 survived * :( *
You can see how small my sunflower is. I surveyed other ppl's gardens, and theirs have far much bigger blooms and definitely more leaves! Mine is like - the Kate Moss of the sunflowers! * sigh * CH said it must be my soil not being fertile enough, must go buy those mahal-mahal punya soil after this! I saw one garden, their sunflower plant has leaves as big as my palm and their bloom as big-ass as my face leh! * Ish! * What's their secret? * Jealousnya aku! *
Or isit true, like my bro said, I just have no fate with sunflowers? Or cos I have no gardening talent? * : / *
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