There's this new yumcha place in Taipan. I can tell you, it gave me the worst customer service for the year of 2006. Ok, mayb it being new is the best excuse to forgive them, but no, I am not that big hearted.
Boasting of their specialty in gelato, bakery and cafe, it certainly attracted a lot of attention, together with their contemporary decor and the many tables on their rather big open air area. Maybe also because they are new, the place was very crowded on a Friday night - but that doesnt excuse them for being so rude.
It took a hefty almost 5-8 minutes for us to be served with a menu - that also upon frantic flagging for a waitress. Dunno if it is due to the school holiday season, most of their employees looked very much under the permittable age of working. Takpe-lah that they are young, but extremely blur as well. All looked kau-kau busy walking through and fro around the cafe, but actually just whizzed by, not doing much productive work.
Again, it took ages for the food to arrive, I think it is faster to wait for the ikan bakar than this. What pisses me with this waiting is that - not that we ordered any food that required lots of preparation - it was just 2 pieces of cake for God's sake! Which they only need to remove from the fridge, slide onto a plate and , well, serve it to me. And, they planned not to serve me until I flagged for one who looks like the supervisor - where the supervisor HIMSELF went to get the order * ??? *
Another thing that stoked my irritation is how they did not put sugar into my milk tea and got the cheek to serve it to me, without even bringing the pot of sugar for me. The gelato was nothing much to be excited about too - which was mostly melted and I dont even get a full, compact cup the way LeckaLecka served theirs.

New York Cheesecake - was rather good with its very rich cream cheese.

Hopefully, once the cafe is more settled down, the service and all would be better. But we wont know for sure either.
I dont think this place deserve even a rating. My complaints already tells all.
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