Friday, January 04, 2008

CNY Already?

Many times I can’t bring myself to get cozy with the idea that it is now year 2008.

The last month of 2007 is always a whirlwind period to me – it always seemed to be jam-packed with activities, the holiday mood exciting and the off days make the 4 weeks of December seem to be less than that. The pages of the calendar just tear right off without alarm.

Believe it or not, I hafta to start looking forward for CNY, which will come in a month from now. Fast, huh? It wasn’t that apparent to me, until I was blasted awake by the ever “festive” CNY songs being loudly broadcasted almost every other store in the mall! Cukupla that you walk pass the center court still bearing the Christmas ornaments, into the shops you go and you witness the CNY decorations and the unmistakably CNY songs. Another telltale sign was that most clothing stores (okay, who am I kidding? Its practically ALL) are super packed with humans tearing clothes off the hangers - beli baju raya, apa lagi, rite?

I guess I should start hunting for CNY clothes as well… * :P * Must have one RED clothing to wear to my grandma’s house… * hehehehe * Really, if I turn up to her house wearing BLACK on CNY, you think she will ;

1. Faint?
2. Halau me keluar with her penyapu?
3. Act as if nothing but curse me behind my back?
4. Yell at my parents for not “properly” educating me about the tradition?

* LOL * Oh well, I can never try it out anyway, as I don’t think I can pass my Mum’s scrutinity in the 1st place! * LOL * But its an amusing thought though… A good thing to do should I wanna rebel and demonstrate my obvious hatred to those menyampah people! * hahaha! *

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DEFINITELY not action 3! hehe...

yeah so fast cny... masa berlalu memang dengan cepat sekali...

i noe tis got nothing to do with this blog entry but i just wanna say that DANIEL WU IS HOT!! **growling**