Monday, January 07, 2008

Tearful Weekend

My clan knows how much I avoid watching Korean and Taiwanese dramas – all those “ham fuu ham faat” actors and the heart-wrenching storylines. I am someone who is has “shallow eyes” * as the Chinese term it * and get hypertension watching twisted plots on drama series. Oh well, I can get teary just watching AnimalPlanet channel, what more others, right? * :P *

However, I can not escape last weekend – I terjebak dalam tangisan KwongSangWoo * :P * LOL *

How could I get into this mess… erm… pool of tears? I was watching a TVB Drama series on those family feud – mana tau sampai disc yg last, itu disc tak jalan. So got my mum to ask her aunty clan got anyone have that disc or not. One aunty thought that I like to watch drama series too * padahal I memang bukan selalu watch – itu was my 1st DVD drama series * and loan me a FEW sets of Korean dramas! * LOL *

Feel “mnn hou yee see” kalau tak tengok, so I just look through what’s in the paper bag and oh…! I just can not resist! * LOL * Got one wit my sexy man – KwongSangWoo! O-M-G!!! Resist I could not, so I watched, and ended up a box of tissue poorer… * :P * He is so darn sexy!!! The only mata-sepet guy I lurve! * heehee *

Memang sedih sangat the story – memang impressed with how they plot the story – at times very typical drama storyline, but it’s the way they plot it and how they angle as well as capture those “moments” that just swept you away…

* sigh…* Where to find a man as sexy, charming, hot (he has 8 packs!!! * :P *), sweet and pandai menipu macam itu? As I suka sangat kena tipu, memang ditipu kau-kau la with the story! * LOL * I want a man like in the drama!!! * :P * Yeah, baby, you can tipu me anytime! * kekeke *

I memang can NOT watch dramas like that – I cried and swooned and cried and swooned and cried for the whole weekend. * sigh * But it’s a good “activity” once in a while – to indulge in a fantasy story, drown yourself into the dramatic love plots (yes, SP, you know how much I admire love yang kwang-kwang-lit-lit * :P *) and get swept off your feet by the fictional, perfect man * wink * wink * Though its damaging to my eyes! * LOL * My bro can not tahan me – say I cry-cry still wanna watch! * LOL *

I seriously must stay away from such shows – too damaging for my fragile heart * :P * wink * wink *

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