Friday, January 25, 2008


Tonight is RETRO NITE * LOL * :P *

It’s our division’s annual dinner with the retro theme. Yup, hafta attend in retro mode * LOL *

There’s no direction that we can leave work early to go to the dinner, where the venue is in the heart of KL, PLUS we are required to be there before 7pm, I really doubt my ability to be there on time. Certainly no time to “paan leng leng” – not that I can be “leng” regardless how much effort, but at least make myself presentable and not scare the hell out of everyone * :P * Nanti kena kick out from the party susah… * LOL *

Note how I label it as a party because from what I heard, it certainly do not sound like a very formal dinner, apparently got face painting and all – so let’s see! * heehee * But am seriously wondering – why the hell wanna have face painting for a “party” for all above 21 year old “adults”?????

P/S : Sorry for the lack of postings lately – got prob with my Bluetooth device, hence tak dapat transfer pic to the PC – but am getting it done now, so will have a flood of entries soon! * wink *

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