Saturday, January 31, 2009

Vienna Bagels

* Another Super Delayed Entry *

Fret not, no need to go to vienna for their bagels * =P * With the hype of specialty donuts crashing the town, many may not notice this small kiosk selling Vienna Bagels.

Like the specialty donuts concept, these bagels come in plenty of colors and flavors. A bit more expensive than donuts, but it is a very filling finger food compared to donuts.

A very classy box to store your bagels - complete with strings to carry the box hence no need for plastic bags... * hehehe *

Ta-daa! They have salty (cheese and bacon toppings,etc) and sweet ones (cinnamon, almond, etc)

And of course, a cool, choc drink to wash them bagels down boosts your carb energy after a whole day of shopping * =P * (the drink wasnt that good actually)

Definitely something to try if you seek a refreshing change from eating donuts * =) *

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