Another one of the souvenirs which excites me is this:

Overly sensitive, LOves Fiercely, Loyal, Sot-sot, Loud, Passionate, A die-hard romantic, Lazy, Woozy - thats half of ME !!! Dont worry, I wont bite...
Another one of the souvenirs which excites me is this:
Homemade cupcakes. Dongkoi me forgot to buy additional butter for the icing, hence the rather plain look and taste of the cupcakes * :( * Sorry, gal!
The big one in the middle! Anyway, I sengaja use those sprinkle balls to make it look 'dotty' since WL lurve polka dots stuff so much * :P *
As for the celebration, we went to makan Jap food. Initially wanted to go makan Japanese buffet, but when we reached there, they said that the buffet was a promotional period only, therefore we just order ala carte lo. I forgot what the restaurant's name is, but it is situated the row behind Fondue House in Hartamas. The 3 of us, ( SP were there too) had a very puas Jap food ordeal.
Price wise, is the usual Jap food price la, higher than those in RajaSushi of course la. But I tell you, you sure puas-puas wan! The food was great, with generous servings. The glutton pig in us somemore mau order banyak-banyak but luckily didnt. Each of us has a set was already enough to fill up our pig stomachs, and the food was very well presented too!
Ambience was good, with dimmed lightings and cozy settings, though the restaurant is rather small space wise. The only thing I find annoying is that they have a over-excited waitress who seems to be too friendly for my comfort as she kept intercepting my menu-strutinizing time and pushing to sell her 'meals'. Nevertheless, customer service is good, with their waitresses coming over to our table to refill ocha very frequently, without needing us to call for them to do so.
Overall, it cost about rm35-rm40 per person. Not bad for a Jap meal leh, sumore a very very satisfying one. Memang I syiok makan di sini. Great food in good presentation and warm service. Another one I would recommend if you ever crave for a good Jap meal.
Rate : Food 8 /10, Service 7 /10, Price 7 /10, Ambience 7 /10, Cleanliness 8 /10
After dinner, went for yumcha then a late night movie. Had a fun time, with very enjoyable companies. Hopefully, WL like the pressies I gave her and may us have many more such warm and pleasant times more frequently!
* hugsies* Happy Birthday, my daughter! *
Not all cheap things is bad. Surprisingly, this powder is extremely FINE & SMOOTH and has a pleasant baby talcum smell. The drawback - it is a mild formula and does not stick onto you skin as hardly as our current cosmetic powders and requires touch-ups. Hence, a good choice for light coverage on a casual day.
The shade, since available only in 2 colors, obviously doesnt suit my pigskin. Was thinking what to do with it when an idea struck me. I had some blushers which the colors doesnt suit me or I had just gotten bored with them * :P * The thrifty side of me decided to 'experiment' with the idea. I scraped out the blusher, which was a shade too red for me, and mix it with the powder.
Voila! A lighter shade! Now the color suits me!
*heehee* No need to throw out the wrong color blush now! Sumore got new color to use! Yippee!So, if any of you accidentally got a shade of blusher wrong home, try this trick and see if it works for you or not. If it doesnt, just give away your blusher to a friend la * :P *
Another thrifty tip:
Feeling 'mmn ser tuck' to throw out eyeshadows that expired or which colors you doesnt like anymore? Well, fret not now! I came across this tip from a magazine and tried it out - it works! As it has past the expiry date yet you barely used it before, sure feel sad to throw it away, right? Unless you are the kind who joy over this incident as it gives you the excuse to buy more & NEW ones, try this.
Then, scrape out the unwanted eye shadow and press them into powder. Make sure no clumps of it left as it will affect the end result.
Pour the powder into the clear vernish, screw the cap back on, and SHAKE IT, BABY! Shake it HARD & FAST! * muahahahaha! * When it is all well mixed, you get this ;
I truly enjoyed trying this out. Hope you all will too! If you are too lazy to do this, just donate to me your unwanted blushers or eye-shadows! * :) * I welcome you anytime! Or I can help you make, but you supply me the materials la * wink *
Priced at RM8+, wont be a bad idea to use it as a decoration hor? * :P * Generous she gave it to me for free cos she got it from her boss FOC la. Thanks, Connie! Since I have no hamsters, gave it to Pammie's.
Dammit, pets are just so lucky, hor? The shop really know how to present their stuff to make money, they'll for sure made mine with this cute-sy presentation of a chew-toy for hammies...
Biasa-la, I ni kan suka kena tipu... * wink *
Sizzle away!!! I like the fact that they layer aluminium foil on top of the grill to avoid foodsticking to the grill. Most impressively was how they actually C-H-A-N-G-E the foil so often, I lost count. Seriously. When they see it turned black abit, they change. Oh, you all can choose between tomyum or chicken broth for the steamboat soup.
Of course those steamboat food ( itu fishcake, fish ball stuff) is of the common and also tak banyak variety, but go there we sure serang their beef which are marinated Korean style. SEDAP!!! And I also must mention their sotong - that was the first time I even makan sotong marinated that way of theirs that we ate a plate full just of that! Or was it 2? * :P * SP & WL will definitely love the sotong here! The chicken meat too were very well marinated. Kimchi is good - not those chunky or undermarinated kind. Got ice-cream too *heehee*
This place really imprinted a good impression on me. Will definitely return, sumore so near my house rite? No need go all the way to Midvalley for Korean BBQ liao! Yay! And, dunno because it's still new or what, but the shop is really very clean lo! Too bad the chairs werent that comfy la. Polite staff. Brightly lit. The crowd was very small on my visit, other time I tak tau la.
Sure, this is one I would recommend!
Rate : Food 7 /10, Price 5.5 /10, Ambience 6 /10, Cleanliness 8/ 10, Service 7.5 /10
| You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. ![]() |
This is the "store room" * :P * The box is originally a mooncake box - those wooden type. Nice, hor? Those moon cake boxes gets more canggih by the year, hor?
Ya lar... I admit I am a freak. I gila wan * :) *
And, also on a wet night, when I was at AsiaCafe, saw this pretty cat with gorgeous eyes! And it was a tame cat, shared my "siew kai yik" and sotong goreng. What stole my heart was how it stayed even after the feeding and lied down next to me till I leave. It were a tame one too! As if it were my cat for that half an hour, sitting by my side, accompanying me and my friend.