A colleague from Netherlands came to KL last month. I didnt expect that we would click so well, and had so much adventure together over the short week of her stay! I wanted to post a pic of both of us, but am still waiting for her to send me the pics as it were taken with her camera - so SP, look for it on my multiply later ya!
We had this fun day visiting Pulau Ketam to makan ketam... er... angin * =P * This was my 3rd time to Pulau Ketam, and it pretty much stayed the same. We took the leisurely walk to look at those fishermen homes and take in the small island's life. And of course, we must complete our visit there with at least a plate of ketam... * heehee *

The view on the boat... We took the old-school ferry instead of the air-conditioned ones. Partly because I thought it would be a good experience for my angmoh friend - which I half-heartedly regretted afterwards - will let you know why later - just read on for now... * wink * wink *
We finally reach back to Subang Jaya by 600pm, and both still feeling excited and adventurous despite it's a Sunday and we both need to work the next day, we headed back down all the way to KL to try out the Fish Spa at Pavillion.
Its actually a good experience as we had fun! * LOL * Totally unexpected that it would be. There was an area for you to wash your legs before dipping into the pool. At that area, they misleadingly placed a few brushes for you to clean your feet. Dongkoi me went to clean my feet with the brush before Beate looked at me puzzlingly and asked "Arent the fishes suppose to nibble off our dead skin? What will they be feeding on if you scrub it away now?" I was like O-M-G, what were I thinking? * LOL * Seriously dongkoi and ulu - maklum la kali pertama pergi fish spa... * hehehe *
One thing cool about the fish spa at Pavillion is the view you get as their pool are designed to face the glass window. Both Beate and I were feeling ticklish and we laughed and squealed so much, I guess we pretty much scared not only the fishes away * =P * To the extend that one guyforgot about his GF and started to calm Beate down, gave suggestions on how to "relax" * LOL *

Its intimidating how when you looked for an area with the least fishies, and as soon as you dip your feet in, all the fishies start to head your way! As is screaming "Food! Food! Food! Go! Attack!"
Though they are small in size, but when they come in a school, I betcha'll be intimidated as well * =P *
This is Beate's legs - she somehow attracted more fishies that I did, so I decided to use her picture instead * =P * The bigger the fish is, the ticklish it will feel when they peck on you... But we enjoyed ourselves!
I went up to Beate's hotel room and was impressed by the cool room with the cool view she had. I seriously am thinking to actually get a room at Le Meridien KL Sentral on of the weekend to just chill and relax. They might be a lil small but very nice!

I seriously like their bath room! It has a bath tub that faces a big window! Situated on the 24th floor, the view was superb. What sealed the deal was that they even placed an aromatherapy oil burner by the tub - with complimentary aromatherapy oil! What can be more luxurious than to lie in the tub surrounded by foam and inhaling the sweet aroma while overlooking superb view? * sigh... *

And sip on this very good Vodka infused with lotsa lime! It had a very sophisticated name but I can only remember there's lotsa Vodka and lime in it! * =P * Yeah, it was that strong to only spike my memory with limited memory of what it was * hahaha *

Just to share this - Look how badly I gotten sunburned. This comes to the reason why I mentioned that I regretted the old-school ferry ride. I did not expect to spend the day under the sun, so I cleverly skipped the sunblock lotion. Wearing a short sleeve shirt, this is what happened to my arms. The old-school ferry has an area where we can sit, which is the front end of the ferry which is OPEN SPACE. I totally overlooked the fact that angmohs being adventurous and love the sun, Beate wanted to sit there. And the whole ride took about an hour and half as it was an old ferry, so it moved at and old speed... We sat there for BOTH the ride TO & FRO Pulau Ketam. Now you know why I regretted... And I still have the drastic tan line up till today, just that the redness has gone...
After the fish spa, we had a very nice dinner at pavillion at one of the Italian restaurant there. The food was alright, but the desserts were damn good! C - we should go there for our dessert session some time ya! * heehee * This was our appertizer - Seafood salad with squid, prawns and scallops.
My main course - Baby Lamb racks! Was not bad... But very beautifully presented ala Italian style...
Oooh...! The desserts! Love the choc molten cake! The warm melted choc just oozes out when you fork it - yeah baby, when you fork it * muahahaha * =P * And it wasnt too sweet too - combined with the vanilla ice-cream - purrrrfect...
Beate's PannaCotta - very good! Creamy! We had a very good, leisurely dinner - I have to say is not something I usually do as my group of friends dont usually take such a loooong dinner. With Beate, we had a glass of wine before dinner, chat and sip on our wine while she puffs away. We would open a bottle if only I did not have to drive home that nite... After our glass of wine only we have appetizer, followed by main course and then dessert. Definitely the most leisurely and lengthiest dinner yet for me!
I truly enjoyed every minute of my day - had lotsa fun and wonderful memories... I shall end this entry with a picture of my sunburnt self...

Thanks, Beate! I had a fantastic time with you too! Miss ya lots! Yeah, hope I can go to Europe to meet you soon! So we can continue our chat, laughter and adventures! Or maybe you should come to KL again soon? * =P * Hugs! *
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