Saturday, May 10, 2008

Multitudes of Cupcakes!

Felt that I have to share this as this is really the first time I encountered SO BLARDY MANY Cupcakes in one seating!

It was one of my line manager’s birthday (somewhere in early April) and I was put in charge to organize a simple celebration. One of the highlights was to get her cupcakes, as well as one for everyone in the department.

As my department here is huge, and she is one of the high level managers, hence we allow everyone to have one cupcake each. So you can imagine the amount of cupcakes ordered – a hefty 200 pieces!!!

As the cakes arrived, I must do some checking – incase does not tally and people start to complaint (well, ended up, there were a lot of complaints after all, despite the goodwill of us giving all a cupcake – people do not appreciate the effort) at the boardroom, and I could not resist but to document this sight…

The boxes of cupcakes!!! Got sugar OD just looking at them * =P *

These are the designs - they are repetitive ones - cheaper ma * =P *

Got them for Choffles - the icing wasnt that good, though the cake was good.

I like this design! And the colors!

These are the specialty cupcakes for the Birthday Gal - it was topped with decorated Marzipan sugar sheets and was really Pretty. Light purple as Purple is her favorite color, but to have cupcakes in actual purple is just - weird.

But its a nice sight to see all the pretty cupcakes, even more enlightening to witness the bad, ugly and glutton facets of people in the office generated from this small event...

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