Thursday, September 11, 2008

Breathe... Breatheeeee...

Am up to my forehead with work and missed deadlines...

With all these work and stress and all, I think I am not up to my supposed speed and performance.

* dang! * Must buckle up and run faster.

Must keep up if not ahead.

* arghhh!!! *

Its not helping... Can't it be just left behind and archived?

* sigh... * I need more variances to my life pattern.

Can all these be ignored? Can everything be normal again?

How do I even manage my own self anymore...

I think I lost it.

I am depressed.

I am lost.

I am sad.

I am worried.

I am exhausted.

I feel like giving up.

Where and How can I find peace within my Panda self anymore?

Can I ever feel like myself again?

Where's my brain when I need it most?

Please... I just need to heal - if only I could.

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