Monday, September 15, 2008

Hearty Dinner

Piggies who went on a full day shopping decided to have a Thai dinner. As usual, all those "exercise" and "mind-exhausting" shopping activities work up an appetite - for glutton piggies, that is no question to our ravenous appetite * =P *

When the food arrived, we both realised that we seldom go out and have a meal that is for sharing. I mean, yeah, we share all the time, but our clan seldom have a sit down meal like those chinese family meals where we have 3 dishes + soup with rice * =P * Its usually a main dish(s) on our own and then we share.

Hence, this makes us feel very warm - despite a silly reason. Very family feel kua...

The FuzzyPanda clan definitely must do this more often - a proper family meal!

This might sounds silly, but somehow it warms my small heart * wink *

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