I was reading NST the other day and came across this article. Apparently there's this board in Malaysia which is in-charge of languages or sumthing which in short form also known as MALAS. Sori, i terlupa the full name liao.
This fella, the head of this MALAS board, was on his petition to stop Malaysian screen to showcase the Da Vinci Code. Well, you must be guessing - aiya, must because itu story punya religious issues la pasal they tak mau kasi sama dia naik. Well, gotcha! You are wrong.
Ya, i was shocked at the truth too. Their main call for it to be banned was due to the title of the movie itself. The very intellectual people in the board claims that the title is indirectly influencing, especially young people, the wrong usage of language. People will start using 'da' to replace 'the'. Youngsters especially are already using hip-hop style languages which are not correct. Unless the producers changes the title to 'The THE vinci code ' ,it should be banned from the Malaysian screens.
I was like - can some kind fella help to retrieve my jaw from the muddy ground, please?
Excuse me, dearest intellectual beings, the word ' da' in the title - the DA vinci code - refers to the works of Leonardo DA VINCI's not THE Vinci's work. It has NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to do with trying to convert the already poor in English Malaysians. Unless, of course, you all want to get our famous bomohs to call Leonardo DA VINCI from the graves to - erm, discuss about the change of his name to Leonardo THE Vinci?
And the ironic part, in the end of the article, they claimed that they have yet to receive response from the producers of the film. Ha-ha.
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