This trip is truly enlightening and thought provoking - to me, that is. In this mere 3 days 2 nights, I was blessed to be able to not only catch a glimpse, but also experience a lil part of the Kampung Malays' lifestyle. No doubt, I love being in participant observation... hehe...
Though I did not manage to 'tour' about my friend's granny's kampung this time, but there is no less in the amount of fun I greedily indulged. Upon her mother's insistence that I MUST visit their new house ( kampung style bungalow ), therefore I went, I makan-ed, I jalan-ed, I balik-ed to the city where I belongs... :P They are a courteous, generous family - well, very much alike the typical Kampung Melayu kinda people we used to read about in those Sekolah Rendah 3M days.
After a 2 and a half hours of bus ride and suffered 3 days of being called ' ah-tine' by her parents ( well, they just resisted calling me Christine despite being corrected again and again), these are some of the more interesting stuff I wanna report to kalian... *ahem*cough*cough*

Ahhh... This nolstalgic item brought me back to while I was 5 years old. Its rather rare to be served Coke in such way nowadays where I lives.
P.S : The restaurant is actually a horribly shabby, dark and dirty, plus! crowded with hamsap-ooking pakciks. Other than the Coke, the food aint anything to blog about :P *jahat-me*

These are the interesting 'ornaments' in their house - antique irons! Those kind ppl from olden days put hot coals in it to iron their *er...* wateva they wanna iron :P I like these irons a lot - too bad didnt manage to seludup one of them back. FYI. , one of the iron is bigger than the other. Apparently they came in diferent sizes.

Budak bandar like me was fascinated by the kampung's version of naming this plant. Cuba teka? Ta-daa... I present to you - Pokok Ekor Kucing! :)

This Si Belang and Si Putih are 2 out of the 5 kittens own by the family. The way they were sleeping were almost symetrical - couldnt resist, must take their pics..hehe..
So that basically sums up my trip there. Just a plain trip, but it brought back many memories on my part and reminded me how lucky I actually am now. The kind of life I lead now - which at times I took for granted, is actually far much prosperous and liberated compared to them living in the urbs. Shall treasure this eye-opening experience and learning to appreciate, to be more grateful to all that I possess now...
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