Friday, May 05, 2006

When you thinks that you are wiser...

At times, I do wonder - what kind of a mother I would be to my future kids. From my observations through my part-time job at a local pediatric clinic, i came across different styles of parenting - where some amazes me and some, well, puzzles me... Well, its just me - the curious, fatty cat :P
But i do have to admit that i've managed to pick up lots of tacit knowledge about life and parenting from this job. Despite the bullying working hours and okay-la pay, i can conclude that i gain more from the job than the job on me. The experience changed my pigeon-holed view of parenting and childcare.
Back to the topic of the day, what i intented to share isnt about my oh-so-meagre job but of a funny yet liberating scene i witnessed that comes from an innocent ( or maybe not ) lil girl.
I was at the big M fast food chain in Taipan, USJ waiting for my take-outs. It was not yet the busy hour therefore i managed to erm... witness the scene rather explicitly. :P
A mother with her daughter, who prolly about 6-8 year old, was queuing behind of me. Apparently they were just back from a violin music class ( noted the violin case that girl was carrying) and the mother wanted to get a snack for her to last till dinnertime.
As common as it is at fastfood chains, one can come across plenty of kids ranting and 'persuading' their parents to get them the happy meal - not for the meal but the toy it comes with. And so the lil gal too was telling her mum REPEATEDLY that she wanted the toy. I wasnt 100% sure-la, if that mother of hers was trying to 'lann-see' or show off her fabulous parenting but this was what happened.
Like most parents, that mother started to tell her daughter (in a loud enough voice) - well, the more descriptive word should be - 'reasoned' with the little girl how much is the price difference between a normal set meal and the toy-meal and how many toys they already in possession back home. The lil girl whined again about the toy, and her mum told her that the toy is not necessary and insisted that they purchase the burger ala carte. The lil girl sulked.
Well, nothing out of ordinary rite, you will question me. This is where the best part come in.
The sulky girl then points to the little box placed strategically beside the cash register where they 'encourage' customers to make little donations of small change. The mother - I guess was acting pandai-pandai and anxious to show her fantastic parenting, (again, in a loud enough voice) explained what the box is for.
Mak yg pandai : Oh! That box is for charity wan... You see, here it says - RMCharityCollection.
Lil girl : Ah... Got a lot of money inside!
Mak yg pandai : Yup, people put money in there so that can help other people.
Lil girl that LAGI pandai : Oh... mum,then why you never help people wan? (looking back at her mum in big, round eyes)
Embarrassed mum : (then pulls her daughter to the next queue to place their order)
Pai-seh anot when your child loudly ask you why you are not donating some change to help others. You see, some parents thinks that they are smart enough to carry parenting in a different approach from our traditional parents. What some of them overlooked is how witty kids nowadays are compared to doinky us previously. That lil girl's simple question totally outsmarted her mum. I wonder why that mak yg sebelum ini macam pandai sangat suddenly was dumbfounded with the girl's question. Even me know how to answer to that question - but thats not my daughter.
So, friends, the moral of this story is, give that damn kid that darn happy meal with toys to avoid them embarrassing you in public :P
Of course, dont try to berlagak pandai and try to act like a highly-educated parent in public if you are not prepared to deal with circumstances your child will ask you some challenging questions. I have to give kudos to that lil girl who managed to shut the f@$% off her snobby mum.
This bookmarks my life's lesson not to deny kids of that happy meal toy or they'll revenge on you in the form of public humiliation. *wink*

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