Its that time again in the journey of life where one arrived at the junction - to turn left or right? In my 'junction' this time, I have to decide between 'giving up' or 'continue to "try" '. One may tell me that its easier to give up than to try, yet another may tell me never to give up. Or worse, advises Confucious - take the middle path. Sorry Confucious, no middle path this time.
I guess 'giving up' shall be my most possible way out. I tried 'trying' but one keeps disappoint you again and again and then, again. Maybe I've changed. Maybe WE've changed. Our perception and beliefs are no longer linear. What you thinks is alright is not acceptable of mine. Maybe you think that you are being kind, but reality is - you are being cruel without realizing it.
I know ...
I shouldnt expect someone to live up to my standards. I have been told - I am overly sensitive. Its true - I am commitment shy. Its hard for me to get close with someone, but when i do, I fell hard into it. I take seriously those who are dear to me. Those that are not, I dont care a FU$% what will happen to then. I fiercely loves and am doggedly loyal to those I loves.
Everyone has their own views and perspectives. There are many things about me too that you may not see eye to eye with. BUT...
I just cant ignore the fact that - our beliefs contradicts. I just cant accept the decisions you made. I dont see your point/s. I got disappointed that you actually behaved that way... It hurts you know, to see the person you care so dearly to do things that you never believed they would. It tears my heart chunk by chunk to know how you make a fool out of yourself. It drains my blood profusely to witness how you entangle yourself in that web of karma. It kills me immediately to see how a smile turned into misery on your face in a split minute of a phone call.
I cant take it anymore. Yeah, I care too much, but its just me. Its best if I just give up and walk the other way and 'no eye see'.
I guess, by walking away, I can yet cherish those beautiful and wonderful moments we shared.
Thanks for everything but the heartbreak.
No matter how, advice is just an advice, is just a guide for u to make a decision. Don't let it confuse u. When u come to a junction and u need to decide whether u should turn to left or right to continue ur journey of life. The best way is listen to ur heart and let ur heart guide u. Even now u r confuse n lost, but when u deal with it calmly and think wisely, u will see the sign... Cheers
i was once told that when u dunno which way to head to in life, u r heading the right way.. there is always hope as long as there is tomorrow...
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