My busy Leo hing tai is much the same guy I used to know and dear. Still sunny and always try to cheer. Looking better each time we meet up - way to go CH! ( is it true that guys who has gf adi tends to look better? Got motivation to look good? :P)
Its his nature to enjoy being a good host - he ended up serving me and C most of the time - needless to say, he did most of the cooking. *heehee*

These are among the food we stuffed down our throat that night *muahahahar* They do offer a huge variety of fishcakes, vege, seafood and even some cooked food like fried rice, etc. Though the seafood wasnt that fresh. For those peanut-sauce fans, they have the satay celup thingy here.

*muahahahahahar* Delightful me gleeing over a plate filled with prawns! *ngek*ngek*ngek* SP, nampak anot? :P*

And for dessert, they has freefow of ice-creams. This is the creation of the birthday boy.
Rate food 5.5 / 10, price 7 /10, ambience 6 /10, service 5 /10
Following aft dinner, we headed over to Beans in SS15 for more chatting session. Disappointingly, the tongsui there - ewwww! I tried their bubur cha-cha, and the yam pieces were RAW *gawd!* Jangan harap I will return!
While there, we were cam-whoring. Took some pictures for remembrance-la, and a group of guys in the table next to ours seemed to enjoy watching us doing that. Suprisingly, when I enquired them if any of them has a lighter to lit out bday cake candle, they takde. They looks like smokers wor :P hehehe... See la, sibuk look at us, when ask them stuff, chicken pulak.
So, hereby I would like to once again wish CH a very Happy Birthday. Big boy adi la... behave ya! :P Since it was a quick celebration, will make up on it k! Maybe on my birthday? :P *bearyhugs*

1 comment:
Tengokla muka 'wai sik' itu...=p nice pic perempuan!
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