The 4 pigs (SP, WL, Pammie and I) as usual, our activities centred on food *heeheehee* Oh yeahm SP kept MOSTLY to her promise to dress up sexily that night, but ended up conning us with not removing her cardi the who night! *ish...!* Anyway, yeah, you were right SP, it was fun to have occasional outings where we go all out and dress ourself to the nines ( or maybe ten eleven too? :P) more often together... Ok then, we shall organize it k!
We went for dinner at Itallianies, The Curve's outlet. Overall, I can conclude that I am disappointed with their food. Seriously. They received such good reviews from a plenty - prolly people were more inpressed by their decor and service than the food? :/
Yeah, their portion of dishes do come in impressively large servings. Like the god-damn huge piece of lasagna I had. It really took me time, and not to mention the on-going 'motivations' from SP n WL for me to finish it *hehehe*
Oh yeah, baby, cheese explosion! But it was a lil dry on the inside... Was rather good actually, but it leaned on the saltier side. Speaking of salty-ness, memang the food here gila salty leh! Everyone's dishes also was too salty to their likings. Definitely a hamsap chef? :P

Okay, It does sound as if I complained more about it more than I like it, right? Well, I should give 'em some credits and mentioned what I like about Italliannies :P Firstly, I think their service is alrite - with polite waiters, though some of them looked overworked and tired after the busy rain of weekend customers. Their ambiance is rather cozy should one does not dine during the peak hours. Big servings are definitely a plus as it gives satisfaction to the customers for the price they pay. I do like their menu as they offer customers lot enough choices and very well presented with clear descriptions and impressive photos. Yeah, perempuan yang suka kena tipu macam me like menus that can impress me while I make my choices *muahahahar!!!*
After dinner, we headed to Hartamas for some booze. Didnt linger long there as the birthday had a tummy upset, therefore we had to cut the night shorter than planned.
SP, it was no big deal, k? We'll go crazy during my birthday celebration, ya! Gives the excuse for us to bergila lebih menghebatkan on my birthday! Muahahaha! This time, I will make sure that cardi of yours would be off! :P
I had a truly pleasant and delightful evening with the girls. SP, despite she yang paling tua there, *oops... I mean, paling cantik dan berseri lagi anggun :P* was the belle of the night, charming us with her ever funny antics and quick actions/replies. All these years, she stayed the most original from the version I first met her - personality wise ler... My SP setiap hari semakin cantik wan wat... :P Always helpful and understanding, she is one of them whom I treasured most in my life. I do hope that our "penyakit" of chatting and laughing nonstop whenever we talk or meet will never ends...
Thanks for everything, SP! My very heartfelt well wishes and blessings will always be dedicated to you... Happy Birthday to my beloved cheemui, may you get banyak-banyak fabulous orgasms! *wink*wink*
P/s : You asked me if you are included in my list of the people most important to me and the ones I loves most in my life? YES, you are... *blush* You are one of the special lot I care and cherish in my life. You know how my love is 'limited' and is set upon a high bar, but you qualified! :P *beary hugs*
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