Overly sensitive, LOves Fiercely, Loyal, Sot-sot, Loud, Passionate, A die-hard romantic, Lazy, Woozy - thats half of ME !!! Dont worry, I wont bite...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
My Convocation 2007
I am actually on the front row~
I had to attend an Award Presentation Dinner the night of the Convocation due to me being awarded a special certification. Didnt expect to be honoured, but am happy nevertheless. The dinner was alrite jer, a simple one . Nothinh like those fancy award ceremony.
Mum insist that i take this pic - books and the graduation hat to symbolize - erm... education? Academic intelligence? Or she thinks I am not clever enough and should study more? * :P *
Must take the opportunity to thank Alex here for his congratulatory gifts. Thanks, I lurve the teddy bear! Sweetie of him to send despite me practically screaming down this throat not to do so * :P * Thanks!
Lurve how the teddy arrives with a ribbon pinned on its head! It must be a girl then? * :P * Though Alex insists that it is a HE! * LOL * Red ribbon la - girl la tu! * :P *
A final picture to end my convocation entry - a picture of me with my degree. * wink *
Note : For the complete pictures of my Convo, do visit my Multiply site for the albums. ( Indemnity sentence to avoid SP screaming at me to demand pictures * :P *) Oh, SP, how? You satisfied with my smiles? * :P * I really smile until my cheeks ache that day! * LOL *
Fruit Color
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Famous Donuts in Town

But what leaves a clear impression in me was not their donuts, but their employee! * LOL * There's this cute guy of theirs who flashed me his megawatt smile, which made me swoon for a moment. He actually looked at me and smiled! * swoon! *
If I am standing there in the heat of the oven serving a never ending throng of customers demanding donuts all day long, I don't think I have the mood to actually look at the customer and flash a huge smile to them. Truly tempted me to change my order to a dozen so I get to interact with him longer * muahahahaha... * Yeah, thumbs up for them to hire a cute guy to sell donuts!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Another Jap Food Entry To Entice SP * :P *

Price-wise, its cheaper than Zen, and the quality of food here is good. A very green decor, which favs WL * :P * Personally, I prefer Zen's as I think the ambience and food is better there. Well, go try for yourself and see which you likes more! They are, after all, just next to each other! * hehehe *
Not So Yummy
Turned out to be my disappointment as the food there wasn't good.

Hence the set is so value for money, hor? * :P *
Ichiban Oishi
To piggies like my clan, we dove straight into their makan scene (after a laborious shopping trip of course * :P *) and we find ourselves liking this Jap food place there. I do agree that their food is as Ichiban as their title boasts.

Cheese Waffle
Of course, being a cheese slave, I willing to gain a few pounds just because must eat cheese * :P * so what can I do but not order the cheese waffle on the menu? * kekeke *

Sunday, December 09, 2007
Tempted to sign up...
Boy, I am glad I took it. Really an eye opener. Located on the 4th floor, they have a beautiful swimming pool on the outside. The environment for that spa place is really good - so comfy, SP, you can really doze off! The package is those you pay on monthly installments, where you pay for a certain amount of treatments ranging from facials to pedicures - all up to you how you wanna structure the package for a year.
Oh well, price wise is okay for spa standards... But I am not sure if I should commit myself for a year's package - which the minimum package totals up to rm1000++ per year... hmmnn... Should I? * :P *
By the way, they gave me the foot spa treatment - not bad, they have the foot jacussi for you, while sitting on a massage chair. The water was sweetly scented with heavenly smell, and got one lenglui massage your feet after the rendaman air wangi with scented oils. Nice...

Saturday, December 08, 2007
Oh, and this huge black cloud enveloping me - no amount of sugar or cheese can blow it away... * yelp...! * Dont even feel like shopping... O-M-G...
I need cheers! (or booze, maybe? Lots of it?)
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Please be strong, my dear boy...
I had been sort of forgotten about his blog - it had been months and months or even more since I last visited it. So, what triggered the itchy click on the mouse?
Believe it or not - lately I have recurring dreams about Him. Seriously. Only him, and not the other, jahat one, if you get what I mean. Very weird dreams, at times, feeling eerily real. * SP - they are not those blazing, hot dreams you are jumping into conclusions, okay! * The most recent one was last night, that particular dream gave me a weird feeling of unease. Hence, with free time on my hands, decided to visit his blog.
I shouldn't have. It now left me definite in unease. Found out that he is in a very rough patch now, having his heart broken and all. It breaks my heart to know he is unhappy. Knowing him rather well emotionally - well, as I USED to, and if he is still the same boy I used to know, love and sayang, I am sure he is just one centimetre away from death. Hell he must be in.
I pray that he will be well and happy ASAP. May love, joy and cheer push their way back into him immediately... Though we are not in contact for ages now, I do hope he can get the blessings.
People always wonder and say, you must be not totally over him if you feel this way or that I am still hoping for someting. NO, I can assure you. I do not have a very colourful list of ex-boyfriends on my lovelife and no man had threaten to die because of me (though they might wanna die if they are still with me! * LOL * :P *), but he is one whom I feel I have loved and will love till my dying days or at least, till I have Alzheimers. Oh, maybe its the first love thingy, or maybe because we ended peacefully, or maybe because he is just special. Yeah, one of those who tipu me to bliss * LOL * and I lurve every moment of it, my boy * muahahahahaha! * wink * wink *
Yes, if you can hear me, you are that special someone to me too. Thanks for everything, and for still taking me as your that special someone. * hugsies * Please be strong, all unhappy bleak days will eventually come to an end, its just a matter of staying strong to brave it through. Which I am sure you can.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Unexpected Shopping Spree
Lunch it was, as well as 4 pieces of clothings, eye masks, a few bottle of nail polish and hair clips in the end! * LOL * Sigh... * Always manage to find good bargain when you have no intention to buy! Memang pantang pergi ke shopping mall ni!
Sweet Bow?
Re-used Flowers! LOL
Tempted to the core, a few colleagues and myself went around scouting for nice ones to take home * :P * Hey, no one wants them wat! * :P * Better than it ended up in the tong sampah before time right? * hehehe *
For those who are in good conditions, I leave them as they were. For those has withered, I pick out the good ones and rearrange them in a new pot... Here is my "work" * wink *
Monday, December 03, 2007
Vegan Week Completed!
Yup, better believe it, i " buka puasa" this noon with fried chicken! * LOL *
A good experience - challenging to be a completely strict vegan as it is hard to avoid dairy products in almost all kinds of food, especially when eating out. Even a trip to the bakery is difficult to avoid cheeses and chocolate and all.
Oh, I can say that I can do it after all! * LOL *
English Teatime!
Why tamak? Well, we met up about 230pm there as the tea starts by 3pm... As usual, being on a lazy Sunday where almost every pig like us sleeps late, we only wake up when the time is near out next appointment after Prince Slumber * wink! * :) * What else hits waking up at the hour where everyone either having or had lunch? Hunger!!! Try we had, but can not resist, and ended up ordering some "light" food, which as usual, ended up over-indulging ourselves! * LOL * And we insist (or was it only me? * :P *) to have the English high tea, so you guessed it, we can not even finish half of the food! * LOL * Pigs...

Yes, I would recommend this for a lazy, late noon tea with your BFFs - a definite pretty and good food to relax and coax each other to chat away... Just dont take a heavy lunch, or even lunch beforehand! * LOL *
Last Event at KLCC

It is a Thai cuisine restaurant - those posh kind - and as he is very - lets put it in a nicer phrase - "cost conscious", he ordered a shamefully small plate of stir-fried kangkung, a small plate of stir-fried spicy sotong and a small plate of stir-fried beef slices to be shared by 4 person per table. Notice how I keep repeating the word " a small plate"? Well, the serving for each of the dishes were actually for TWO person, and he expect his VIP guests to share those among FOUR person. Oh, I forgot, there was a small bowl of clear tomyum soup for everyone - like that was a big deal.
THATS ALL FOR THE VIPs - VIPS FOR GAWD'S SAKE! There was not even fruits or agar-agar for dessert, and everyone have a poor ONE glass of iced lemon tea, any additional drink to quench the spiciness will have to be sky juice, despite you are a VIP. Memang memalukan - might as well you dont provide lunch liddat - or at least, organize it at a place that can actually fit into your measly budget where your guest gets satisfying lunch instead of being impressed at first with the posh place but walking out of it later with only one third of their tummy filled.