A delayed entry about my last job at the events company. I cannot resist but must take a picture of this flower arrangement which the management of the convention centre always use for decoration. By the way, all their flower arrangements, regardless big or small are all beautifully created - lurve them!
I really like how they use one single lily as the main attraction of the arrangement, and fill up the sides with pretty pink carnations. What so fantastic about this is that the lily is powerful enough to scent the room with its fragrance - simply lovely!

I was so "lucky" to be part of the steward for the VIP Escourted Tour, where part of the itinerary was to bring them for lunch at a rather posh restaurant at Suria KLCC. The ambience at the restaurant was good, but the food our kiam-siap boss ordered - puhlease, he might as well don't promise people to provide lunch as the menu he chose was oh-so-memalukan.
It is a Thai cuisine restaurant - those posh kind - and as he is very - lets put it in a nicer phrase - "cost conscious", he ordered a shamefully small plate of stir-fried kangkung, a small plate of stir-fried spicy sotong and a small plate of stir-fried beef slices to be shared by 4 person per table. Notice how I keep repeating the word " a small plate"? Well, the serving for each of the dishes were actually for TWO person, and he expect his VIP guests to share those among FOUR person. Oh, I forgot, there was a small bowl of clear tomyum soup for everyone - like that was a big deal.
THATS ALL FOR THE VIPs - VIPS FOR GAWD'S SAKE! There was not even fruits or agar-agar for dessert, and everyone have a poor ONE glass of iced lemon tea, any additional drink to quench the spiciness will have to be sky juice, despite you are a VIP. Memang memalukan - might as well you dont provide lunch liddat - or at least, organize it at a place that can actually fit into your measly budget where your guest gets satisfying lunch instead of being impressed at first with the posh place but walking out of it later with only one third of their tummy filled.
It is a Thai cuisine restaurant - those posh kind - and as he is very - lets put it in a nicer phrase - "cost conscious", he ordered a shamefully small plate of stir-fried kangkung, a small plate of stir-fried spicy sotong and a small plate of stir-fried beef slices to be shared by 4 person per table. Notice how I keep repeating the word " a small plate"? Well, the serving for each of the dishes were actually for TWO person, and he expect his VIP guests to share those among FOUR person. Oh, I forgot, there was a small bowl of clear tomyum soup for everyone - like that was a big deal.
THATS ALL FOR THE VIPs - VIPS FOR GAWD'S SAKE! There was not even fruits or agar-agar for dessert, and everyone have a poor ONE glass of iced lemon tea, any additional drink to quench the spiciness will have to be sky juice, despite you are a VIP. Memang memalukan - might as well you dont provide lunch liddat - or at least, organize it at a place that can actually fit into your measly budget where your guest gets satisfying lunch instead of being impressed at first with the posh place but walking out of it later with only one third of their tummy filled.

Oh well, truly an amazing experience working with a kiamsiap boss yg tak pandai bercakap and tak pandai adapt to situations - come on-lah, other stuff you can cut cost, but to provide such shameful menu to your VIP (who are the media people some more!!!), you are just fishing to get your throat cut off. Where to place your muka, ah? And to actually believe that you had been in the events management line for 10 freaking years - I suppose it is not hard to convince myself that pigs can fly...
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