Friday, December 14, 2007

Cheese Waffle

Yeah, ditipu again... Went to try this apparently international pancake house yang does not have any international "feel" pun... Price saje international... * :P *

Of course, being a cheese slave, I willing to gain a few pounds just because must eat cheese * :P * so what can I do but not order the cheese waffle on the menu? * kekeke *

See the impressive scoop of ice-cream in the middle? You are so wrong - it's actually butter in the disguise of a scoop of ice-cream! Yup, I pun tertipu at first... * :P * Not as cheesy as anticipated, but got got the cheese flavor there lah... But I lurve their generous serving of maple syrup!

P/S : Paddington's still the BEST! * wink * wink *

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