Tadaa!!! I present to you all my latest creation (more likely, my attempt :P) * Eh, bagi muka sikit, berilah sedikit tepukan, sungguhpun tak gemuruh! :P *

So, apa macam, can pass anot my hasil kerja? :)
Well, let makcik ini bercerita sikit... My bro wanted to 'kau lui' with this kinda thing - apparently teen chicks are hot over these at the moment. We went about looking at shops where they offer such 'product' and was astounded to find that they costs rm100+. Even a simple ONE softtoy only bouquet costs bout rm20-rm60, varying according to the size and the packaging. PLUS, the softtoys they use are those cheap-looking, imitations one can buy cheaper at pasar malams.
Hence, being the kakak yg baik, I told my bro that I can help him to make the bouquet with the charge of one Pi-Chan softtoy for my service * heehee* With my perfectionist eye for plushies, and my bro's careful scrutinizing, after 3 hours of dragging my feet about OneU, finally, FINALLY, were able to choose these bears and the materials for the bouquet.
And, this, my friends, are my hard work. Believe me, it costs only 65% from the retail price, AND we use QUALITY and ORIGINAL materials :P Imagine-lah, we purchase the bears and materials at RETAIL PRICE oso can save so much, imagine how gila kaya those retail shops' owner who sell such bouquets at their price.
So, guys, if you plan to impress your lady with similar gifts, consider handling the task to me la... I untung u abit, you save some dough, a bargain rite? :P Its a great substitute for fresh flowers as it doesnt withers, looks aeons more classy than plastic flowers. those chocolate bouquets will either melt or add inches to her thighs - consider this! Lasting, cute, special and definitely looks more expensive! hehehe...
How? Do you people think that it passes? It was my first attempt. Am happy that it didnt turn out to be a disaster or my bro will kill me... hehe... Am feeling rather proud of myself too... Muahahar!
To end this post, I added a pic I've taken from the accomplishment of the task with some of my other plushies hogging the cam to pose with the bouquet! :)
P/S : The small black piggy (Pi-Chan) was my 'habuan' for this project * wink *
1 comment:
a job that is very well done! I oso mau 1 la adik!!!!!!
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