My Mum's friend who has always been my hairstylist for the past 2 years met with an accident and will not be able to resume business for another month or two - and I badly needed a haircut! My hair started to look like a bush, with messy curls going anything but curling * OMG *
With job interviews in line and the high possibility of me starting work with the events company within this week or two, I desperately need a haircut to look presentable... Siapa mau tengok a fatsie with bushy hair- what more to hire right? Went to shop yesterday and came across those popular cutNgo salons in shopping malls. Was thinking, whattheheck, try for once what the hype is all about la.
I tell you - it is the most different haircut experience for me. The Uncle ( in his late thirties/early forties) had the softest touch! He handled my hair so slowly and gently, as if my head will roll off if he exerted any more force! * LOL * This is a whole new experience for me as all other hairstylists usually tugged your hair abit when cutting, this Uncle - * wow! * gentle touch, wey! He commented that I have very little hair, maybe thats why he go gentle cos afraid it will fall off? * :P * Memang featherlight touch! He dont look like a man who is so gentle... * LOL * I am thoroughly impressed!
Bought a pair of shoes during the shopping trip - much on impulse actually. I thought it was on 50% sale, mana tahu misunderstanding - it was actually a new arrival. My first buy of this brand actually. Dunno why I feel that I must buy them - I find them of very good quality. Pricewise is similar to the major V brand we usually buy, but I think this is of much better quality.
As it is a peeptoe-wedge-heels, I think it is comfy to wear to work. Why I say its of better quality is that its bottom, instead of the flat and slippery surface like V's, this is a layer of rigged rubber. And of course, the ribbons attracted me * heehee *.
With job interviews in line and the high possibility of me starting work with the events company within this week or two, I desperately need a haircut to look presentable... Siapa mau tengok a fatsie with bushy hair- what more to hire right? Went to shop yesterday and came across those popular cutNgo salons in shopping malls. Was thinking, whattheheck, try for once what the hype is all about la.
I tell you - it is the most different haircut experience for me. The Uncle ( in his late thirties/early forties) had the softest touch! He handled my hair so slowly and gently, as if my head will roll off if he exerted any more force! * LOL * This is a whole new experience for me as all other hairstylists usually tugged your hair abit when cutting, this Uncle - * wow! * gentle touch, wey! He commented that I have very little hair, maybe thats why he go gentle cos afraid it will fall off? * :P * Memang featherlight touch! He dont look like a man who is so gentle... * LOL * I am thoroughly impressed!
Bought a pair of shoes during the shopping trip - much on impulse actually. I thought it was on 50% sale, mana tahu misunderstanding - it was actually a new arrival. My first buy of this brand actually. Dunno why I feel that I must buy them - I find them of very good quality. Pricewise is similar to the major V brand we usually buy, but I think this is of much better quality.
As it is a peeptoe-wedge-heels, I think it is comfy to wear to work. Why I say its of better quality is that its bottom, instead of the flat and slippery surface like V's, this is a layer of rigged rubber. And of course, the ribbons attracted me * heehee *.

I shall test this shoe out and determine for sure if it is indeed of better quality of not. * heehee *
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