I have this experience frequent enough where when speaking on blings-blings, some will retort that it is best to have the other half to shower them with bling-blings.
This draw to my attention on how women can still be naive enough to hang on the fantasy of having men to lavish them with jewellery. So what happens if you don't get to have a man or you one who are either no $$$ enough to get you a decent one? You will go to your grave not having one then?
Again, ironically, these are the same people always hang the phrase" Equality in Men & Women" on their sleeves still depend / expect / assume men to give them some?
I am not being a hypocrite here by saying I dont need a man to get me some, I do like and value if eventually I get the bling-bling presents from them. Of course, it would be great if there are people willing to get me some - I would love that gift and that person as well * wink wink *
Just that it have always been an anticipation to the day I can purchase some real bling-bling with my own earned dough. It will be a milestone for me, in which indicates * to my own self only this is * that I have reached the point in life where I am capable to earn enough $$$ to be able to afford lavishing my self with this luxury.
Again, I stress that this is not a discrimination and that I love people to present me with blings-blings, it's just that I want to know too that I can and have reached that goal of mine to own that financial independence and extra.
* =) *