Something in hot P-I-N-K with white frills * :P * hehehe *

Overly sensitive, LOves Fiercely, Loyal, Sot-sot, Loud, Passionate, A die-hard romantic, Lazy, Woozy - thats half of ME !!! Dont worry, I wont bite...
Something in hot P-I-N-K with white frills * :P * hehehe *
An old CNY card from yester years ...
Was wondering who was the sender and I found out that it was from SP!!! * heehee * Dated way back from the days we were in ugly turqoise pinafores and white Bata shoes ... A pleasant surprise, yet a sweet one!
Those were the days when all of us used to exchange CNY cards for friends and the excitement of selecting the right words of well wishes on a CNY card for your crush. Nowadays, it is more to a work-related necessity for us to send CNY cards to colleagues, bosses, clients etc ... All itu 'gosok-kasut' instead of really intending to wish someone well for the coming new year... Or some just dont even bother to give you one.
Yeah, we should do the environment good and send an e-card instead, but e-card pun macam takde I dapat leh... Yup, life's that miserable to me ... * :P * Me am still the orthodox bullhead who likes to send a 'tangible' card to those dear to me ... I enjoy the process of looking for the right card and personalising each card with my ugly yet unique handwriting * :P * muahahaha! *
This card I found in my drawer, though long forgotten, it stirred fuzzy feelings... I appreciates each card I received and I keep them all - hence the surprise to find this one - prolly it fallen out during the packing an unpacking period when my room undergo renovation ... And WOW! How time flew! It made me realised that it was almost 6 years since I used to hang out behind Bilik Kesihatan every morning before class starts and how we all used to sit on the floor there and chat and how each of us ( the gang ) will never fail to berkumpul there each morning ... * sigh ... *
Nothing much la, just wanna intro you all to my RoundFace * :P *
I tell you - GO there to try their kimchi-jiggae! Its very very good! * heehee* C liased with me to give this place a rating of 9/10 because of it!
Rate : Food 8 /10, Price 4.5/ 10 if you makan BBQ, 6/ 10 if only the kimchi-jiggae, Service 7/ 10, Ambience 5.5/ 10
After a very satisfied dinner, we went for dessert - ya lar, my pig stomach can still be filled * muahahahaha...!!! * Went to this Chef Loong's place - I tell you - its NO good. They offer desserts and dimsum. First impression already lost as we were greeted by a stinky, pungent smell in their restaurant. Their place is rather 'sempit' and tables were close to one another.
Egg with milk dessert - * puke... * the texture was like a DRY tau foo fah and where is the milk gone ah? Please dont bother to try it...
Some mango with ice-cream dessert. Boleh tahan, but not exactly good also...
This, I kena tipu - their cinnamon egg tarts which actually just a sprinkle of cinnamon powder on the surface * pengsan * Nothing as special as the name suggested. No, SP, walaupun kena tipu, this time I tak gembira ditipu * :P *
Despite a rather unpleasant experience with their dessert, it seems like their dimsum dishes looked much better. Maybe the other stuff there would be nice ...
It was indeed a lil depressing to end the evening with bad dessert as we had such a good Korean meal before that ...
Rate : Food 3.5 / 10, Service 6/ 10, Price 5 / 10, Ambience 3/ 10
It is so hard to take pics of Fatty Luck as he doesnt like to be photographed - dunno he shy or jual mahal * :P * Anyway, my late Iro was more photogenic * :P * jahat-me * Really la, Iro takes better pictures!
Am feeling not good lately...
I suspect it most likely caused by me spending too much time watching the TV and reading. I finally catch up on my reads as I was too busy the past 2 months - my books are already covered in a thick layer of dust so I started on this reading-marathon * hehehe * This marathon is taking its toll on me as I am now lethargic and tired for straining my eyes too much in devouring page after page. Of course, my reversed sleeping hours fired more exhaustion on my already ailing body ... On top of that, alternating my time between reading AND crocheting - damn, these activities does a lot of damage to my panda eyes * :P *
As to why spending too much time watching TV and reading does my emotions go awry is that - I am overly * erm... yeah, SP is right all these while * :P * S-E-N-S-I-T-I-V-E and as W@i and C kept screaming - " Stop reading so much between the lines / words !!! Grr...! * :P *
Hey, I cant help it if I tend to " feel " too much! Yeah, I admit I am very emotionally fragile and my emotions can fluctuate faster than the share markets * heehee... * I have said before, I am someone who can cry just from watching AnimalPlanet channel. Seriously! I watched this documentary on Pandas recently, and I cried when one of the male pandas lost in a fight during the mating season. To see him walking away defeated and hurted in the fight just tore my heart and I can feel the disappointment of his and how he hate himself for being so weak ... * tears... * And I just cant bear watching the AnimalsPolice series where the AnimalsPolice who works with SPCA saves abused animals - OMG, I cry every GodDamn time!
I watched one Thai show late one night on Astro, titled " The Judgment " late one night. Its about this guy who went home to his dad after his National Service and found out that his dad took in a lost young girl who apparently mentally challenged as wife. His dad passed away shortly after this son's arrival and put into him the responsibility to take care of the 'wife'. As they stay in a very secluded and small kampung, the people there, well, kampung-minded.
Everyone in the village stigmatized the poor young son by accusing him to 'share' the young woman with his father and all those rubbish. It was a very tear-jerking movie as the Son was actually a very pious man who wanted to renounce the world and become a monk after his dad's death but that plan had to be postponed as he needed to take care of the disabled girl. I cant stand all the cruelty that he had to go through, the ugly words he had to endure, his money cheated by his employer, no one even attended his dad's funeral! No one believed that his relationship with the young girl was clean and he turned into an alcoholic due to the pressure and injustice he suffered. He and the poor girl even got beaten often by the villagers!
Another scene that really shook my calm was how he was forced to KILL a stray dog which was THOUGHT to be a threat to the school children as the poor stray happened to wander into the school compound. The poor Son was forced to hit the dog with a GodDamn CANGKUL!!! OMG!!! And the stupid show was so damn realistic - they actually scened how the dog howled and scrambled for life while receiving 3 blows of the cangkul before it finally died * sob... * sob... *
It certainly does no good for my moods as I read Adeline Yen Mah's Chinese Cinderella where she tells the horror of being an unwanted daughter in a Chinese family. My heart bleeds for her having to endure so much hardship and cruelty - which are inflicted by her own flesh and blood! I understand how much it kills you when you cant even sought serenity and security in your own home, how much it shatters you to do all your best to please others and your efforts not only not being appreciated, but despised ...
The world is full of cruelty and yeah, I guess I would rather not know the details. People do can be very cruel and at times, evil. I am lucky for living in a cocooned condition where I received little impact reality's cruelty and hardship. I have people who loves me, I have a safe environment to live in. What really hit me is how people nowadays always live in misery. Turn on the music and you can hear numerous songs on breakups and heart aches. Turn on the TV and all the story centered on sex, tak habis-habis about cinta tak berbalas and who trying to harm who.
I know that in reality, life is hard. How many people actually live happily ever after with the one they love? Everyone will somehow encounter some kind of hardship / problem. I guess I just dont want to know though I know it is there. Knowing is one thing, and being reminded constantly is another. Some people say fairy tales are the best as they allows one to feel happy and hope that prince charming does exist and that life would be happily ever after eventually. Oh yeah? How many princes are there? I think they mostly being taken by the princesses in the fairy tales la... Especially when the rate of guys being gays are rocketing? And that 50% of 'happily ever after' ended in divorce? Are the princes still as charming or just charming their way into your panties for the night?
* sigh... * At times, some people can be so naive... But then again, dream is a beautiful thing and hope is what makes us strive on ... I guess I need more happy stories to boost back my optimism!
I really like their cheese baked rice. Compared to the rest I've tried, theirs are much cheesier! And more sauce too...
Their recommended dessert which i dont recommend at all. Some kind of fruit flavored goo where you can choose either a single or combination of 2 kinds of fruit. Looks nice but tasted off mark ... I dont like it la, maybe some ppl would.
After a tiring trip of shopping, this place provides the food to fuel you back up! A good place to makan when you are in Times Square, especially when there isnt many place one can dine in there. Price wise , they are rather competitive with the rest of such restaurants. Customer service is the average Joes and Janes... On an earlier trip, I tried one of their recommended snacks - which are the deep fried seafood pockets - it was quite good too.
As for the shopping trip - not exactly a successful one. Mostly cos not enough time lor... But am glad that W@i likes the Korean food place in SgWang too. Bought quite a lot of accessories and saw a few pairs of shoes I really like ... What most pleasurable was W@i's company of course! * wink *
Rate : Food 5.5 /10, Price 5.5/ 10, Ambience 6/ 10, Service 6/ 10
Christmas cookies as well as some pralines
We forgot to take the pic of the fruits we dipped at the choc fountain - not that they looked good anyway - they were a messy mass of choc * :P * And I likes their choc milkshake too! Though W@i didnt like them. They offer hot chocolate drinks as well, where you can choose from 5 different kind of chocs, but it wasnt good as it was a wee too watery. Hey, hot choc are supposed to be hot & thick!
Really a must-try experience for all! Though we ate till the point of nausea, it was fun! One will rediscover that ' child in the candy store ' feeling all over again when standing there surrounded by all the choccie and at one where you can eat all to your heart's ( and also tummy's capacity la) delight!
Though a lil pricey, but I like it! Truly an experience I will never forget! On top of all the carbs and sugar rush, it was a good place to hang out and chat. I had a fabulous night out with the gals! Lurve ya all!
Rate : Food 7 /10, Price 5 /10, Ambience 7.5/ 10, Service 6.5/ 10
I made sure each cheemui has some of the pretty flower clips/bands as mine!
I do hope that my cheemuis will like them and actually will use it. I also crocheted scarves for my darling W@i which the dongkoi-me forgot to take the picture before she jetted back to Canada...
I am hooked onto making more but I guess I hafta put this away to make way for newer projects * hehehe *